We all know the truth of the saying, ‘health is wealth’. But apart from the metaphorical aspect of this idiom, it’s actually pretty literal as well. It’s expensive just to stay alive if you have a chronic illness or disability, especially if you live in a country where healthcare is not subsidised. There are extra […]

A Perfect Capture of Life with Chronic Illness (Gliding Across That Same Glassy Ocean) | A Chronic Voice | Featured Image

A word that could probably sum up life with chronic illness is ‘mundane’. Sure, it has its (very much unwanted) moments, but for the most part you’re just cruising along, pacing, trying to avoid those unwanted moments. It’s a sadistic, adult version of hide and seek. Either I’m hiding from my over-active immune system as […]

Chronic Illness is Expensive, but Here’s the Real Reason Why | www.achronicvoice.com

It is no surprise that seeing 10 different doctors on a regular basis is an expensive affair. My medical bills add up to a thousand dollars per month on average. This excludes the occasional surgery or experimental treatment. Let’s do a quick breakdown, before going on to the most important point. Doctor Consultation Fees This […]