Chronic IllnessCommunityRoundups

Submission Guidelines for: #ProjChronicWisdom

Submission Guidelines for #projChronicWisdom | Participate here:

Hello! I am starting an inspiration and motivation series called #ProjChronicWisdom. You’re all welcome to participate, whether you own a blog or not! I will create the image, all you have to do is submit a short text! Details are all listed below.

*Disclaimer: This article is meant for educational purposes, and is based on my personal experiences as a patient. I am not a doctor, and nothing in this article should be substituted for medical advice. Please consult your own doctor before changing or adding any new treatment protocols. This post may also contain affiliate links. It will cost you nothing to click on them. I will get a small referral fee from purchases you make, which helps with the maintenance of this blog. Read our Privacy Policy page for more information. Thank you!

What is #ProjChronicWisdom About?

#ProjChronicWisdom is a collection and exchange of beneficial thoughts. Life lessons and hacks that we’ve learned to help us cope with chronic and mental illness. All ideas are welcome – goofy, profound, logical, emotional! Whatever inspires you to keep going, might just be the answer that someone else is searching for. I hope we also find new and healthy coping methods here for ourselves.

This will be an ongoing project. Let’s start with one theme, and build it up from there. If you have a suggestion for other themes, please share it by leaving a comment below!

Submission Guidelines

  1. Keep it short and sweet (less than 30 words for best results).
  2. Please submit final sentences that do not require any editting.
  3. Include your blog name, website URL, and up to three social media handles. All optional except for your name.
  4. Must be original (I understand there will always be overlaps, but don’t plagiarise someone else’s content completely.)
  5. You may submit as many entries as you like to any theme.
  6. Final decision to create, upload or remove any image will be mine. No explanation has to be given.
  7. Images may be shared by anyone to any channel (that’s the point, isn’t it ;)).
  8. You can send me an image you’d like to use for the background, but I may choose to use another one if it’s unsuitable.
  9. If you don’t want my branding in the image, you are welcome to create your own. All pins should be hashtagged #projchronicwisdom so people can find everything easily.
  10. As this is done during my free time, it may take a while to show up.

How to Submit

  • Priority will be given to those who use the contact form below, or email me: sheryl @ my domain. Your message may be lost in transmission via other channels.

Looking forward to your contributions. Let’s build up a massive, helpful repository of inspiration together! Start by clicking on any of the themes below for more details:

Theme List

If you like this project, sign up for our mailing list here so you don’t miss out on our latest posts!

#projChronicWisdom Entry Form

* indicates required field
(Read our full privacy policy here.)

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