Chronic IllnessCommunityRoundups

“It’s in My Blood”: Featuring People with Illnesses, Passions & Talents

"It's in My Blood": Featuring People with Illnesses, Passions & Talents. Join us on

What’s This All About?

Welcome to this brand new series on the blog! We will be featuring people who live with chronic illnesses, except that we won’t be talking about illnesses at all (plenty of space on our individual blogs for that!). Instead, we’ll be focussing on their natural talents and passions in life. I believe that we all possess inherent gifts, whether they’re maximised, actualised, or not. We may not be the best in the world at them, but they are things that we associate with, or feel at ease doing.

While the past is definitely sealed in time, there are endless possibilities from this moment forth. These options may not be what we had in mind, but they are akin to a hammer upon the bonds of our own expectations. What does one do when untethered? We cling onto driftwood, in search for life once more. Maybe we’ll end up at our original destination or maybe we won’t, but wherever we land up at, there is life. You. We have the amazing ability to rebuild anywhere, and maybe, just maybe, we might actually end up liking this new place better than the one we had in mind.

Amazing People to Check Out (and More to Come!):

Share Your Awesomeness with Us!

If you live with a chronic illness too, we’d love to hear from you. Simply fill in the form below and hit ‘submit’. I’ll be in touch!

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Kelley L Clark
May 15, 2021 23:47

Great way to offer other’s to tell their story. I may do something like this some day on my blog. Thank you for all you do to make seen those living with chronic illness.

Sheryl Chan
May 20, 2021 17:58
Reply to  Kelley L Clark

Thank you so much my friend. You’re still on the list for the next feature. Life has been crazy for me, but I definitely want to feature you 🙂

Emma England
November 1, 2017 23:40

Great feature ? Really nice to read about everyone’s talents and passions. It would be lovely to participate myself – if I find an extra slot of time/energy to do so! ☺️ x

Sheryl Chan
November 1, 2017 23:48
Reply to  Emma England

Yes, it’s been interesting to see how everyone is so different and yet, we are quite the same! 🙂

Yes definitely would love to have you on board! I don’t plan on stopping this series at all so join whenever you get energy 🙂 xx