
Hello 2020: A Bubble Covered in Glitter. Please Don’t Pop.

Happy New Year! Hello 2020: A Bubble Covered in Glitter. Please Don’t Pop. | A Chronic Voice

*These writing prompts are part of a monthly community activity I host. You can find the link to join us at the bottom of the post. We’d love to have you with us!


My room’s in a mess. Has been for days. Trays and tubs and bags of medications lay scattered all over the floor, in sparse groups that lay divided with expiry dates. A problem that only people with chronic illness understand, with the endless changes in medications, dosages, and appointment dates. I have too many spare supplies of ‘take as needed’ medications; a fear that I won’t have them when I need them. Badly.

I suppose that this ritual purging of medications is something all of us with chronic illness dread and undertake every now and then. It really is a tedious chore; it took me a couple of days to sort them out, then more to pack a three-month supply. Yes, I’m getting ready to be frozen in Berlin. I’m not sure what to pack for sleepwear?

(Read Related Post: 11 Visible Evidence of a Body Gone Rogue)


This will probably be my longest trip yet. The most I’ve travelled at a stretch is a month at a time. Once on a Trans-Mongolian to Europe overland trip, and the other split between China and Sri Lanka. Three months will be pushing it – no direct access to my doctors, hospitals and support network. My finances aren’t exactly tidy either. Irresponsible, you say. A dream come true, regardless. I had to seize the opportunity when it rose like a bubble covered in glitter. So precious. I hope it doesn’t pop.

I hope I’ll be able to manage three heavy luggage bags on my own. A third of the weight and space are occupied by glass bottles, boxes and packets of pills. I know I will; it will just be a pain in the hands and ribs that’ll take a few days to recover. Not to worry, I’d probably be spending a few days resting after a long flight anyway. My body clock is already screwed up though. I wanted to adjust it so that I wouldn’t be too exhausted getting onto a late night flight, but I started way too early and now it’s a bit of a mess. But everything will fix itself once I arrive! I’m just going with the flow for now. It doesn’t matter so much at this point, I suppose.

(Read Related Post: Your Thorough Chronic Illness Travel Guide (with 25 Additional Resources))


It’ll be an eye-opener for me to spend a few months living somewhere during the winter season. I know I’ll love it, just for the experience in itself at least. I’m also curious as to what sort of winter problems I’ll encounter healthwise, in terms of pain symptoms and dry skin (my skin is already dry in the tropics, so…). But we’ll adapt; that’s what we do as human beings.

I haven’t planned anything. The plan is just to get there and settle down first. There’ll be plenty of time to research and check things out, I suppose! But then again, time flies by. I’ll probably visit some museums, touristy sites, and the likes on some weekdays whilst I’m on my own. And leave everything else to spontaneity, depending on how I feel. It’ll be great and I can’t wait 🙂


I’ll also be spending a huge portion of my time there revamping and ramping up the blog, so keep an eye out for some changes! I would really love if it could finally take off as a stable stream of income, and it’d be something I’d really enjoy doing as well. So much to think about and do, but do I must. I need to stop wasting my time on the nitty gritty, and bite into this behemoth task. Like they say, bite off more than you can chew, then chew.


So that’s mostly my direction for 2020 so far. I want to combine my blog and career into one thing, and starting it on day one by setting foot in a different country is a blessing already. I hope to nurture a few important things in my life and watch them bloom – my career, blog, health and relationships. Everything else is icing on the cake. It’s going to be a good year, I know it. It has to be and I want to believe in it. Sending love, positive thoughts, and peace to all my lovely friends x

Thank you for reading, and I hope to read your responses for January’s prompts too. CLICK HERE to submit your own entry, and to read about what others are up to as well!

*Note: This article is meant for educational purposes and is based on the author’s personal experiences. It is not to be substituted for medical advice. Please consult your own doctor before changing or adding any new treatment protocols.

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Happy New Year! Hello 2020: A Bubble Covered in Glitter. Please Don’t Pop. | A Chronic Voice

Happy New Year! Hello 2020: A Bubble Covered in Glitter. Please Don’t Pop. | A Chronic Voice

Happy New Year! Hello 2020: A Bubble Covered in Glitter. Please Don’t Pop. | A Chronic Voice

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  • Sheryl,
    Ooh, adventures! I’m so glad you’re out and about – and three months in a different country sounds amazing! I’m excited for you.
    Life is definitely about making the best of things, not waiting until everything is perfect – and you deserve to be happy and enjoy your adventure.
    Hoping your business dreams come true as you enjoy your adventures – I’m struggling myself on the whole ‘make money on your dream’ thing, but doing my best!

    Looking forward to hearing more!

    • Thanks so much dear Alison! Yes I guess all we can do is try our best, and have some fingers crossed, too 😉 Wishing you all the best with 2020 too!

  • I love that you are taking this trip without everything being “in order”. I hear that all the time. You should wait until you feel better or when your life is more stable, but when living with a chronic illness better and more stable may never come. I seriously hope you have the time of your life!

    • Thanks so much Cynthia! And this sentence you made just makes so much sense, “but when living with a chronic illness better and more stable may never come”. So, so true. Whatever opportunities we have and can manage reasonably, we should 🙂 Sending many hugs your way! x

  • Ooh yay fantastic news! I so hope it goes as smoothly with your health as it can do.
    I don’t know if you tolerate/ have room for a hot water bottle but that mightn’t be a bad idea to accompany cosy pjs. When im cold on the boat I generally opt for another duvet or blanket rather than full on pjs

    • Thanks Naomi! I guess we can only hope for the best! So far so good though! I have a YuYu bottle with me and also a regular one, so all set! 😉 It’s been lovely so far x

  • Hi Sheryl, Happy New Year! It sounds like you have a wonderful opportunity with the travelling, and I’m sure you will find a way to power through the associated health challenges, as always. I look forward to seeing how you develop the blog during the next 12 months 🙂

    • Thank you Catherine for your support and participation as always! I too look forward to how your year progresses through the monthly linkups and on social media. Fingers crossed it progresses well for us all! xx

  • Hi Sheryl I am so excited for you! The trip sounds like a wonderful opportunity to hunker down with hot chocolate and some thermal pjs during this creative bubble that’s come along. I’m sure the heating will be super inside so you’ll survive in leggings and hoody until you find yourself wandering in lots of lovely places waiting to meet you with funky socks and boots. I hope you have such a great time, take care Niamh xx

    • Thanks Niamh! Hot chocolate has been bought, and I don’t have thermal pjs so just wearing what I’ve got with a fluffy jacket, ha! It’s been great so far though, think I might write a post about it! Sending love!

  • How exciting! I hope your trip to Germany goes really well and your health holds out. Good luck with your money making ventures too. x

    • Thanks Anne! So far so good! Some down days, of course, but everything is relaxing and I have a place to rest, so all good! 🙂 Hope you’re doing well, too! x

  • Hello, once again Sheryl,

    Wow, it certainly sounds like your 2020 is crammed full of new adventures, opportunities and excitement. It all sounds amazing and will look forward to reading all about your exciting ventures throughout the year, as well as the changes to the blog.

    Wishing you all the best for this year.

    Rhiann x

    • Thanks for your support as always, Rhiann! Yes so far so good…day 4 of the new year :p Fingers crossed for the rest of it! Hope we all make it through, and have some fun along the way! x

  • Looking forward to hearing about your adventures in both your career and travels!

    • Thanks Cynthia, you’ll probably hear bits and pieces about them via the blog and social media! Keep in touch for sure! xxx

  • What a fun way to start the new year…in another country! I hope that these trips will be inspiring and refreshing 🙂

    • Thanks Lisa, I agree! Always such a treat and blessing to be able to travel, what more right on the very first day of a new year 🙂 Sending lots of hugs your way!

  • I look forward to what you have planned for your blog! It is exciting to take new directions and have new ideas and plans.

    • Hi Nikki, yes the problem is I tend to have too many ideas (some good, some average, some bad, of course!), and get consumed with ‘this is too much!’ haha. I look forward to your ventures too, you always have something new and interesting and thought provoking to read about!

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