
January Writing Prompts for People with Chronic Illnesses & Disabilities

January Writing Prompts for People with Chronic Illnesses & Disabilities

So we’ve taken a little break from these linkups for two months, as I was pretty much swamped with the co-ordination and organisation of the holiday giveaway! It was lots of fun, but also always triggers a burnout. So what better way to kickstart the new year and ease back into blogging than with the January writing prompts? 🙂

I hope that all of you had a wonderful Christmas and holiday season with loved ones, or at least spent some meaningful quality time, even if it’s with yourself and/or furry ones.

Now let’s take a peek at the January writing prompts. I truly hope you’ll join us and share about your life, as well as support others with chronic illnesses and disabilities here!

January 2022 Awareness Dates

  • World Braille Day (04 January)
  • World Leprosy Day (30 January) (Theme: ‘United for Dignity’)

*Note: This is not a comprehensive list. Let me know if I missed anything out and I’ll add it in!

What The January Writing Prompts are About & How to Participate

The linkups are a monthly get together for anyone with a chronic illness, mental disorder or disability. An opportunity to share, to listen, and to learn from one another through shared writing prompts. I also think it’s a great way to provide insight into life with chronic pain, from many different points of view.

All you have to do is write using at least three of the writing prompts listed below, and publish it on your blog, or to a free writing platform like Medium. Then click on the blue ‘Add Link’ button to add your blog post to this page. Voilà, you’re now part of the linkup party!

2022 January Writing Prompts

  • Only one link submission per website.
  • Do comment on at least two other blog posts in this linkup if you participate. Helping to spread the word on your social media is always appreciated, but not required.
  • Linkups start on the first of every month. There will be five different writing prompts. It will close at the end of each month before midnight. All timings listed are in Singapore time (+8 GMT).
  • Pick at least three of the writing prompts to write about. Five is best, of course! 😉 You can write about your latest experiences with chronic illness, or even turn it into an evergreen blog post.
  • Insert a link to this post when you submit your blog entry for auto verification.
  • Failure to follow these rules might get you blacklisted from future linkups. Let’s keep it fair for all 🙂

Get the January Writing Prompts!

  1. Recuperating
    Ahh… the holidays. Always so much fun and anticipation. And also a whole lot of nerves and worries when you live with unpredictable chronic illnesses. Did you manage to pace yourself and have a good time? Or perhaps you did pace but chronic illness decided to rear its ugly head? 🙁

    Are you taking some time to recuperate in January? You could be recovering from the sensory and seasonal overload. Or perhaps you’re recuperating from a surgery, a breakup, a loss, an illness, a house move, a hike, a burnout or something else.

  2. Reversing
    Whilst we don’t know how to time travel and reverse the clock (yet), we can still derail certain bad processes or habits. You could be attempting to reverse some side effects of pills, undo a mistake, or reverse damage done somewhere.
  3. Dawning
    It’s the dawn of a new year, which always brings hope, and probably lots of trepidation with the pandemic still dragging on. I don’t know about you, but it sure is chipping away at my well-being as a whole.

    Perhaps you’ve chosen to watch a beautiful sunrise and dawn of a new day with a loved one. Or perhaps certain realisations, good or bad, are starting to dawn on you. Ones that you need to walk away from for good, or maybe ones you still have control over and can take some action upon.

  4. Mapping
    It’s the perfect month for mapping out the year since it’s a blank slate of 12 whole months. Perhaps your calendar is already chock full of activities, plans and goals. Or perhaps it’s blank. Just like last year, and the year before. Chronic illness sure knows how to throw a wrench into life, and screw up the best laid plans, doesn’t it?

    If you craft maps as a hobby – I’d love to hear about that. I love looking at maps for some reason! Or perhaps you’re charting out the stars, your fortune, or something esoteric. Or maybe something more concrete like your life goals, bucket list and more.

  5. Re-Defining
    Are you re-defining yourself, your goals, your perspective, your values or something else this new year? You could also be re-defining your style through makeup, hair dye, or something fun!

    Or perhaps you’re advocating for change somewhere, and are continuing on your quest to re-define society’s beliefs on disability, invisible illness, mental illness or another cause.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

If you liked this article, sign up for our mailing list here so you don’t miss out on our latest posts! You will also receive an e-book full of uplifting messages, quotes and illustrations, as a token of appreciation!

Pin to Your Writing Community & Chronic Illnesses Boards:

January Writing Prompts - Support Group for People with Chronic Illnesses and Disabilities
Sit and Write with the January Chronic Illness Prompts
Living the Chronic Life in January - Share Now
January Writing Prompts and Support Group for the Chronically Ill

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Laurie Harmon
January 29, 2022 05:32

Thank you for the chance to share!

December 26, 2021 19:07

Yay, they’re back! Thank you so much for providing these prompts Sheryl. This time of year of reflection can be hard with chronic illness, seeing others make big plans and celebrate all they’ve achieved this year. These prompts are so great to allow us to reflect on what we’ve accomplished ourselves and to help set realistic goals and intentions for the year ahead.