Knee Surgery Post-Operative Care: Introduction to the Series (1/6)

A knee surgery, or any major surgery, carries with it a certain percentage of risk. There’s the general anaesthesia, rare but possible mishaps, unforeseen problems, medication interactions and more. Knee surgery post-operative care and the recovery process will look different for every individual, but there are some resources in general that can benefit most patients. […]

Dysphagia & Swallowing Problems (and How Oral Vitamin Sprays Can be of Help to You)

Dysphagia is a common problem for many people who live with chronic illness, cancer or a disability for a wide variety of reasons. In this post we will learn a bit about the swallowing process, and how things can go wrong along the way. We will also see how oral vitamin sprays may be a […]

The Causes & Dangers of Malabsorption & An Easy Way to Get Your Nutrients

The causes of malabsorption are not always readily apparent, yet the effects can be devastating as our body does not have the nutrients it needs to function properly. There are certain chronic illnesses that are more susceptible to malabsorption, and many patients require supplementation in one form or another. In this article, we will take […]

What Your Wish List Looks Like When You Live with Chronic Illnesses (15 Gift Ideas for a Better Quality of Life)

What Does Your Wish List Reflect? What’s on your wish list, and why do you want these things? They tend to contain practical items that make everyday living easier, or luxurious treats that warm the heart. I’m not going to complain if I receive a fancy handbag, expensive perfume or surprise holiday, so go ahead […]