Resources & Therapies for Pain After Major Knee Surgery (Part 4/6)

I’m not going to lie, but it’s going to hurt pretty badly after major knee surgery, or any surgery for that matter. This article is part 4 of 6 in a series that covers resources and therapies for pain after major knee surgery. It is also applicable for anyone who is bed bound from acute […]

Must Haves After Knee Surgery to Stay Comfortable In Bed (Part 3 of 6 in the Series)

You’re literally going to live on your bed for the next couple of months after a knee surgery or major surgery, so you’ll want to get as comfortable as it gets. Your butt and back are going to ache, and it’s not very… interesting, to put it simply. This post is part of a series […]

Check to See if You've Won a Prize From the 2021 Holiday Giveaway!

Thank You for Participating in the 2021 Holiday Giveaway! First – a huge shoutout to all 24 sponsors who made the 2021 holiday giveaway a possibility! Your generosity and support mean a lot to the chronic illness community and to me. And also a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the 2021 holiday […]

2021 Virtual Holiday Party for the Chronically Ill and Disabled

It’s Time for the Chronically Ill & Disabled to Party (Online)! I can’t believe it’s already time for the third virtual holiday party on A Chronic Voice. I still have warm, fuzzy feelings from last year’s Christmas Giveaway! It’s an annual event that I believe brings the health and wellness community closer together across the board. […]

Dysphagia & Swallowing Problems (and How Oral Vitamin Sprays Can be of Help to You)

Dysphagia is a common problem for many people who live with chronic illness, cancer or a disability for a wide variety of reasons. In this post we will learn a bit about the swallowing process, and how things can go wrong along the way. We will also see how oral vitamin sprays may be a […]

Vitamin D and Vitamin K2: How They Boost Each Other in the Body

When we mention vitamin D, we tend to think of sunshine and milk. When we mention vitamin K, many people often go, ‘what does that vitamin do again?’. This article explains the role that these two vitamins play in the body, and how they work together synergistically for optimal health and well-being. We will also […]

Mayv, Your Holistic Partner for Chronic Pain Management

The original post I wrote for Mayv covers the seven dimensions of wellness for chronic pain management. This includes: physical, mental, emotional, social, occupational, spiritual and intellectual wellness. Healing goes beyond physical health, and each of these dimensions matter for totality of a person’s wellbeing. Chronic pain is often present with chronic illness. Therefore, we […]

The Causes & Dangers of Malabsorption & An Easy Way to Get Your Nutrients

The causes of malabsorption are not always readily apparent, yet the effects can be devastating as our body does not have the nutrients it needs to function properly. There are certain chronic illnesses that are more susceptible to malabsorption, and many patients require supplementation in one form or another. In this article, we will take […]

Oral Spray Vitamins: A Quick & Easy Way to Get Your Nutrients with Chronic Illness

Oral spray vitamins are on an upward trend, and for good reason. The benefits are manifold, but are particularly exciting for those who live with chronic illnesses, like me. Apart from pain, many chronic conditions can cause malabsorption or a lack of appetite. Medications themselves can deplete nutrient supplies or interfere with absorption in the […]