First of all, I want to thank everyone who contributed their COVID-19 vaccine experiences to this roundup. Yes, there are already many COVID-19 vaccine experiences being shared out there. But the data for those with chronic conditions is still quite sparse. In this collaborative roundup, you will see a mix of responses in regards to […]
A Variety of Perspectives from Various Chronic Illness Bloggers It’s been a while since I’ve done a year end top posts roundup, and this year I’d thought I’d do it with a slight twist! Top posts from other chronic illness bloggers will also be included, and they all live with different disorders and disabilities. I […]
When It Feels Like You Need to Survive the Holidays Many people love the holidays and Christmas season, including those with chronic illness and disability. All the warm, fuzzy feelings and gatherings with loved ones can bring real cheer. Yet many of us feel like we need to survive the holidays, too. The holidays bring […]
Lockdown for COVID-19 & for People with Chronic Illness The lockdown laws for the COVID-19 pandemic vary for different countries and states, but people with chronic illness live a life in lockdown of sorts on a daily basis. Parts of Europe are set to go back into full lockdown again at the time of publishing […]
In the first part of this series, people with chronic illness and disability shared their best tips for coping with isolation whilst stuck at home, often from pain or fatigue. With the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing lockdown, many healthy people have found themselves in similar situations. Perhaps with less pain and fatigue, yet the mental […]
People with chronic illnesses and/or disabilities are no strangers to being stuck at home in isolation. Many are unable to work full-time, or only have enough energy to go out for essentials tasks such as grocery shopping and doctor appointments. And even these activities require pacing and planning, to ensure that there is minimal post-exertion […]
When Pain is Chronic Yet ‘Invisible’ Physical pain is no laughing matter, that’s for sure. When we mention the word ‘pain’, the type of pain that often comes to mind first is that of a physical nature. In fact, unbearable physical pain that becomes chronic is a major contributing factor to suicide risk. For people […]
The Final Instalment to the Pain Flare Series: Pain Management Tips In part one everyone shared what their biggest triggers are, and in part two their best tips for prevention, which is definitely better than cure. But what happens if you land right smack in the middle of that dreaded flare anyway? Do you have […]
A Common Wish List Item: Pain Relief My original intention for this post was more of a show and tell session, where the chronic illness community could share what was on their wish list, and discover new coping tools. But it turns out that we all mostly want the same thing no matter where we […]
Part Two of Three: Preventing a Pain Flare Before It Hits This is a three-part series all about pain flares caused by chronic illness. (You can find links for the other two at the end of this post.) In this second part of the series, we share our best strategies to stop a pain flare […]