What It Feels Like to be Suddenly Disabled: Taking on the Eye of the Tiger in the Year of the Tiger

Welcome to the Year of the Tiger I’ve become suddenly disabled, and it’s been a rollercoaster ride the past 4 weeks, in every which way possible. Mentally, physically, emotionally, even spiritually. My identity, ability, desirability and physicality have all been called into question. The chances of a bilateral patellar tendon rupture is rare. A spontaneous […]

More Than Your Health: How to Start Practicing Gratitude

Depression is extremely common in people with chronic illnesses. You spend so much time managing your condition; you may not put in the time to address your other needs. Depression can be hard to handle, especially when taking different medications that do not mix well. You do not always need medication to address your mental […]

Triggers Trigger Triggers (Re-Stabilisation Procedure Encore) | A Chronic Voice

Trying to Stabilise Anxiety & Depression I’ve been feeling out of sorts of late, that’s for sure. My emotions are chaotic and all over the place, as I’m seized by anxiety and depression simultaneously. I had backslid to my suicidal ideation state, so I knew I had to call my psychiatrist asap. My antidepressant dosages […]

How to be a Positive Thinker: Without the Unicorns & Rainbows

Wait…What Did I Just Think? I woke up feeling like crap. One of those depressive days that arrive unannounced, bringing joint aches and other chronic pain friends along with it. “Today is a bad day”, was the very first thought that surfaced in my mind. Quite the positive thinker, as you can tell. And then, […]

A Car Accident & A Song Gone Silent (How Life Lessons from Chronic Illness Tide Me Through) | A Chronic Voice

Silence. Who knew silence could be so overwhelming? More suffocating than the humid tropic air, and not in the least bit golden. The rest of the flock is older and more placid, having laid their eggs, and had their mates. They even seem a tad jaded, or it might have been that Horace had stolen […]

Today is Not a Good Day to Make Decisions (and That's Okay) | A Chronic Voice

Have you ever thought to yourself that it’s not a good day today, and then watch your mind and body spiral downwards helplessly? These feelings are all part of the human experience, no matter age, gender, circumstance, health or wealth. You are not alone. What I hope to illustrate with this post is the humanity […]

February 2019 Prompts: Adjusting, Hoping, Surviving, Befriending & Awakening | A Chronic Voice

CLICK HERE to submit your own entry, and to read about what others are up to as well! Adjusting January has been a pretty tough month for me, in terms of life changes of the ‘normal’ kind. At least no new health issues to add to the list for now, hey? 😉 I’ve had to […]