This post is part of a series on my knee surgery and recovery journey, and how I coped with all that down time. I spent a good part of a year bed bound, in pain, and also bored. Afternoons were the toughest, as it felt like a state of limbo, where the world was speeding […]
This post is part of a series on my recovery journey from a spontaneous bilateral patellar tendon rupture, which left me bed bound for nearly a year. In this article, I will share some uplifting activities to do while recovering in bed. You can also find more tips, resources and fun suggestions at the end […]
Apart from the immense pain and lack of mobility, being stuck in bed after any major surgery can leave you bored to tears. I personally suffered from a spontaneous bilateral patellar tendon rupture due to Lupus, and the steroid therapy that I’m on. Being bed bound for an entire year meant that I not only […]
A Note from A Chronic Voice I’d like to thank Chloe of “Nyxie’s Nook” for these 365 mindfulness journaling prompts for self-improvement. Journaling is a fantastic activity and tool to help unlock pieces of your heart, mind and soul that are ‘stuck’, so to speak. I personally use a digital app, Daylio, to log snippets […]
Chronic Illness & The Inevitable Loss of Identity Chronic illness has gnawed away at my self-identity, self-esteem and self-worth since it made its debut appearance in my life. Can I blame it? These are some of the best and juiciest cuts of a person. With the utterance of a single diagnosis – Antiphospholipid Syndrome – […]
Content Warning: Contains mentions of the Holocaust, chronic illness, ableism, mental health issues, chronic pain and suffering. Disclaimer: This article is meant for educational purposes and is based on the author’s personal experiences and opinions. It is not to be substituted for medical advice. Please consult your own doctor or therapist before changing or adding […]
If you’re a regular participant, you might have noticed that I haven’t been able to make time to join in my own linkups for the past two months! Life has been fraught with stressors of all sorts. A bit of a vicious cycle as one thing always leads to another; a general rule of life. […]
This article explores the seven dimensions of wellness and how we can use them to improve our quality of life despite chronic pain. Those who live with chronic pain know all too well that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to pain management. Even those who live with the same chronic illness often need a mix […]
*Note: Self-acceptance is one of my favourite subjects to discuss and talk about, so when Kelsey offered to write a guest post about this topic, I was excited. As the tagline of this blog states, ‘articulating lifelong illnesses from various perspectives’, I am always eager to hear your point of view. There are thousands of […]
I’m sure you’ve noticed the commodities of love mushrooming around us at an alarming speed. Yes, Valentine’s Day is coming right up 😉 Amidst all the expressions of romantic love, I’d like to take some time to honour the bond I have with my body. It’s after all, the most intimate relationship I’ll ever have. […]