This post is part of a series on my knee surgery and recovery journey, and how I coped with all that down time. I spent a good part of a year bed bound, in pain, and also bored. Afternoons were the toughest, as it felt like a state of limbo, where the world was speeding […]
This post is part of a series on my recovery journey from a spontaneous bilateral patellar tendon rupture, which left me bed bound for nearly a year. In this article, I will share some uplifting activities to do while recovering in bed. You can also find more tips, resources and fun suggestions at the end […]
A Note from A Chronic Voice I’d like to thank Chloe of “Nyxie’s Nook” for these 365 mindfulness journaling prompts for self-improvement. Journaling is a fantastic activity and tool to help unlock pieces of your heart, mind and soul that are ‘stuck’, so to speak. I personally use a digital app, Daylio, to log snippets […]
If you’re a regular participant, you might have noticed that I haven’t been able to make time to join in my own linkups for the past two months! Life has been fraught with stressors of all sorts. A bit of a vicious cycle as one thing always leads to another; a general rule of life. […]
This post, “The Power and Purpose of Blogging, and Why You Should Write”, was first published on *Disclaimer: This article is meant for educational purposes, and is based on my personal experiences as a patient. I am not a doctor, and nothing in this article should be substituted for medical advice. Please consult your […]
*Note: I wrote this article when I first started this blog. Reading it three years later simply reminds me of why I need to continue writing. If you’re a chronic illness blogger yourself, I hope that this inspires you to carry on. If you’ve been meaning to share your story, I hope that this gives […]
What This Twitter Guide is All About To start with, I’d like to state that there is no right or wrong way to do Twitter. What I’m sharing today are my personal workflow, preferences, and perspectives. You or others may or may not agree with all of these methods, but this is how I like […]
It has only been four months since the launch of A Chronic Voice, but I have learned so much over that short span of time from the increased amount of reading and writing done. As such I figured that there was no harm doing some reflection, and sharing what I’ve learned. Let’s check out 12 […]