Fun & Productive Things to Do on Digital Devices After Knee Surgery (Part 2 of 5)

Apart from the immense pain and lack of mobility, being stuck in bed after any major surgery can leave you bored to tears. I personally suffered from a spontaneous bilateral patellar tendon rupture due to Lupus, and the steroid therapy that I’m on. Being bed bound for an entire year meant that I not only […]

Book Recommendations for Spoonies: Part 2 |

Welcome to the Second Edition of Book Recommendations for Spoonies! Like the first roundup of book recommendations, these are all books written by people with illnesses themselves, or revolve around related topics. They’re suitable even if you’re a healthy person with no medical issues, and provide many interesting cultural and humane insights from around the […]

Book Recommendations for Spoonies (but You're All Invited, Too!) |

Book Recommendations for People with Chronic Illness, but Suitable for All Hello and welcome to the first in a series of book roundups, curated with spoonies in mind! They’re all written by people with illness themselves, or with content that is relevant to our way of life. I’ll also throw in some unrelated, bonus recommendations […]