MediSearch Review: A Medical AI Search Engine for Patients, Clinicians & Medical Writers

Introduction to MediSearch, a Medical AI Search Engine You’ve probably asked ChatGPT, Gemini or another AI-powered chatbot a medical or health-related question before. Perhaps to try and find a diagnosis, or simply out of curiosity. I have personally asked them some medical questions that I already knew the answers to, simply to see how accurate […]

Fun & Productive Things to Do on Digital Devices After Knee Surgery (Part 2 of 5)

Apart from the immense pain and lack of mobility, being stuck in bed after any major surgery can leave you bored to tears. I personally suffered from a spontaneous bilateral patellar tendon rupture due to Lupus, and the steroid therapy that I’m on. Being bed bound for an entire year meant that I not only […]

Aepios: An Online Network for Patient Empowerment & Connection

An Introduction to Aepios & Christina I am excited to have Christina DeSerio, CEO of Aepios, with us today on the blog! Christina is a neuroscientist who also lives with several chronic illnesses. Aepios is an acronym that stands for: An Empowering Place to Interact and Openly Share. It is a support network for chronic […]

Mayv, Your Holistic Partner for Chronic Pain Management

The original post I wrote for Mayv covers the seven dimensions of wellness for chronic pain management. This includes: physical, mental, emotional, social, occupational, spiritual and intellectual wellness. Healing goes beyond physical health, and each of these dimensions matter for totality of a person’s wellbeing. Chronic pain is often present with chronic illness. Therefore, we […]

Why I Moved from SiteGround to Cloudways (and Couldn’t be Happier). Plus Cute Puppy Pics & A New Pacing Strategy.

A bit of a mishmash of topics this month for my linkup entry, but why not?! Read about my latest web hosting saga; a mini review of SiteGround and Cloudways of sorts. A bit of a blogger’s nightmare as my website was taken offline for almost a week. And how that turned to a blessing […]

The Rise of Online Counseling & The Nuances of Online Communication

*Note: Whilst this post is sponsored by BetterHelp, all opinions expressed in this review are my own. Digital communication is on the rise, and isn’t limited to simply texting or calling friends and family. Many services are now available online or via an app; from food and grocery delivery, to instantaneous cashless payments, and even […]

How Speech Recognition Makes Living with Disability Easier

*A Note from A Chronic Voice: Desi Mazdur lives with fibromyalgia, and uses a number of tools to improve his quality of life. One of these is speech recognition, which powers voice assistants. He runs a website, “Disabled Messenger”, where he shares many tutorials about “Dragon NaturallySpeaking”, which is a leading voice assistant software with […]

A Chronic Voice | What You Reshare Can Change Someone Else's Life Forever

I wrote about how some advice given by others can quite literally kill in a previous post. There are some great alternative therapies out there, but there is no one-treatment-fits-all when it comes to chronic illness. The Chinese herbal brew you consumed might work wonders for you, but trigger liver failure in someone else. Many […]