Fun & Productive Things to Do on Digital Devices After Knee Surgery (Part 2 of 5)

Apart from the immense pain and lack of mobility, being stuck in bed after any major surgery can leave you bored to tears. I personally suffered from a spontaneous bilateral patellar tendon rupture due to Lupus, and the steroid therapy that I’m on. Being bed bound for an entire year meant that I not only […]

Top Tips for Travelling with Chronic Illness & Disability (From a Girl Who Loves to Travel)

Travelling with Chronic Illness & Disability – Why I Do It Anyway Travelling is one of my biggest passions in life, and I’d like to share my top tips for travelling with chronic illness and disability in this post. Whilst we all travel for various reasons and find pleasure in different things, being chronically ill […]

365 Mindfulness Journal Prompts for Self-Improvement (Background: A girl looking up towards the moon and holding it with a string as if it were a balloon. The sky is dark yet filled with many stars, and brilliant light streams down upon her from the moon.)

A Note from A Chronic Voice I’d like to thank Chloe of “Nyxie’s Nook” for these 365 mindfulness journaling prompts for self-improvement. Journaling is a fantastic activity and tool to help unlock pieces of your heart, mind and soul that are ‘stuck’, so to speak. I personally use a digital app, Daylio, to log snippets […]

2023 May Writing Prompts for People with Chronic Illness & Disabilities

It’s time for the 2023 May Writing Prompts! I’ve been up to my neck with school assignments, and am now dealing with the aftermath of severe pain and fatigue. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. I’ve eaten way too deep into my energy budget, and now am paying the price plus a nasty […]

March 2023 Writing Prompts for People with Chronic Illness & Disabilities

I skipped last month’s linkup as I was overloaded with school, medical appointments, chronic pain and the full works! Since it’s recess week, I thought I’d squeeze in and kick off the March 2023 writing prompts early. How has everyone been, with chronic illness and/or disabilities in the mix? As always, I’d love to hear […]

January 2023 Writing Prompts for People with Chronic Illness and Disabilities

Welcome to the first instalment of the monthly linkups for 2023! 2022 has been a trying year for many of us with chronic illness and disabilities. What are your hopes, dreams and goals for this new year? Come share and support each other in the January 2023 writing prompts, which you can find below! What […]

Physiotherapy After Knee Operation (Part 6/6)

Physiotherapy after knee operation is the most crucial part of the recovery process. It needs to be taken seriously, because doing something wrongly, or too early, or too late, can all have devastating long-term impacts on your ability to walk properly again. I was bed bound for months after my bilateral patellar tendon rupture surgery, […]

Wound Care and What to Wear After Knee Surgery

Shopping for clothes can be fun, but this isn’t the case when it comes to deciding what to wear after knee surgery. The options for adaptive clothing are limited, and it is difficult to change your clothes or try them on. Yet, comfortable clothing is crucial, especially in the early stages of recovery, when you […]

Resources & Therapies for Pain After Major Knee Surgery (Part 4/6)

I’m not going to lie, but it’s going to hurt pretty badly after major knee surgery, or any surgery for that matter. This article is part 4 of 6 in a series that covers resources and therapies for pain after major knee surgery. It is also applicable for anyone who is bed bound from acute […]