Useful Things to Do While on Bed Rest After Surgery: Education, Advocacy & Volunteering (Part 5 of 5)

This post is part of a series on my knee surgery and recovery journey, and how I coped with all that down time. I spent a good part of a year bed bound, in pain, and also bored. Afternoons were the toughest, as it felt like a state of limbo, where the world was speeding […]

Coming Alive in the Winter Air (Pushing for Personal Changes & Group Advocacy)

Looking February…what should I say about 2020 so far? There’s been a mix of good and bad, as there always is, but let’s say that it’s been mostly awesome just for the new experiences in itself. Winter has been a fascinating season for me in every which way. The Lupus and Sjögren’s has been flaring […]

The Power and Purpose of Blogging, and Why You Should Write featured image

This post, “The Power and Purpose of Blogging, and Why You Should Write”, was first published on *Disclaimer: This article is meant for educational purposes, and is based on my personal experiences as a patient. I am not a doctor, and nothing in this article should be substituted for medical advice. Please consult your […]

November 2018 Prompts: Meeting, Advocating, Tweaking, Working & Curating | A Chronic Voice

CLICK HERE to submit your own entry, and to read about what others are up to as well! Meeting Most of us spend lots of time meeting a selection of doctors, even though we’d rather be well enough to meet our friends or family. Some of us don’t like meeting people at all, or maybe […]

“It’s in My Blood”: Diane Murray – Of Art, Aikido & Activism |

Featuring Diane Murray of “Spoonie Living” Diane seems like someone who really knows how to make the best out of her life, and it was a pleasure working with her on this interview! She lives with a number of chronic and mental illnesses, but that hasn’t stopped her from picking up aikido and foreign languages. […]