Fun Things To Do While Recovering From Surgery - Hobbies, Crafts and Games (Part 3/5)

This post is part of a series where I share my recovery journey from a spontaneous bilateral patellar tendon rupture. Both my knees were broken, and I was bed bound for almost a year, with the first 6 weeks spent trying to keep my legs as flat as I could so as not to incur […]

“It’s in My Blood”: Diane Murray – Of Art, Aikido & Activism |

Featuring Diane Murray of “Spoonie Living” Diane seems like someone who really knows how to make the best out of her life, and it was a pleasure working with her on this interview! She lives with a number of chronic and mental illnesses, but that hasn’t stopped her from picking up aikido and foreign languages. […]

“It’s in My Blood” Feature #9: Sarah Frison | Chronic illnesses. Inherent gifts. Endless possibilities. |

Featuring Sarah Frison, a Pastry Chef from Belgium Sarah is our first interviewee from Belgium, and she’s also a trained pastry chef! While she is unable to continue on this career path due to chronic illness, she now uses her knowledge to help others by using a stepped nutritional approach. When people approach her for […]