Why 'Easy' Part-Time Jobs are Not That Easy for Those with Chronic Illness

“Get an Easy Part-Time Job”, They Said Many people with chronic illness or a disability are unable to work full-time. You don’t see many of them working part-time jobs either. Why? (Unless they’re hiding in plain sight, which they often are. It’s a bit of a superpower.) All their education seems to have come to […]

Chronic Pain: How to Approach a Loved One Without Pushing Them Away | A Chronic Voice

*Note from A Chronic Voice: Dana Hall is a clinical psychologist who lives with an autoimmune disease herself, which made me excited to have her guest post on the blog! I always love reading professional tips written by a fellow chronic illness person. She specialises in trauma therapy, relationship dynamics, and chronic pain management. She […]

What I've Learned - Living with Chronic Illness for 20 Years (Interview on 'The Uninvisible Pod') | A Chronic Voice

I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed over on The Uninvisible Pod, a podcast series hosted by Lauren Freedman. She herself lives with depression, anxiety, Hashimoto’s Disease and sleep disorders, since she was a teen. Her podcast features people who live with various chronic illnesses, their loved ones, caregivers, experts and more. It touches […]

29 Best Tips on How to Cope with Isolation at Home (from People Who Have Done and Will Do This All Their Lives) | A Chronic Voice

People with chronic illnesses and/or disabilities are no strangers to being stuck at home in isolation. Many are unable to work full-time, or only have enough energy to go out for essentials tasks such as grocery shopping and doctor appointments. And even these activities require pacing and planning, to ensure that there is minimal post-exertion […]

The Chronic Pain Cycle & How to Break It (Top Tips From an Occupational Therapist) | A Chronic Voice

*Note from A Chronic Voice: Cynthia Hill is an occupational therapist with over 25 years of experience. She aims to help her clients – many of whom live with chronic pain or disability – regain their quality of life as best as they possibly can. She has always had a special interest in hand injuries, […]

3 Important Holiday Checklists for Those with Chronic Illness (and Their Supporters)

When Chronic Illness or Life Circumstances Affect Your Holidays Negatively I’ve created some holiday checklists here for those with chronic illness, and those who want to lend a helping hand. Holiday seasons are a time for fun and bonding, yet they can also be stressful periods, more so for some than others. Whilst many are […]