Sometimes telling ourselves to be brave invokes fear. Here's why you don't have to be strong, just a little stronger than before.

When Inspiration Becomes the Standard We often tell ourselves or others to ‘be strong’ or to ‘be brave’. Instead of instilling inspiration, these statements can sometimes provoke the opposite effect. It becomes another standard we have to meet, and triggers more ripples of fear. But the fact is, you don’t have to be strong, at […]

Chronic Illness is Unpredictable, but You Don't Always Have to Fear the Unknown |

*This post was first published on (I think they got bought over now), and is republished here with permission from the editors. What’s your plan for retirement? Does nothing concrete come to mind? What about in 10 years, or maybe just five? What about tomorrow, or this evening? I admit to drawing a blank […]

#projChronicWisdom: Simple Pleasures I Can Enjoy While Stuck in Bed with Pain | Participate here:

Theme: Simple Pleasures I Can Enjoy While Stuck in Bed with Pain Question: It’s no fun being stuck in bed all day with pain that never really leaves. Your brain is too foggy to do anything productive, which is so frustrating. Yet life isn’t black and white; happiness can co-exist with agony. In the darkest […]

What are some things that you find beautiful in your everyday life, despite all the pain and suffering? Share your thoughts with us here! | | #projChronicWisdom

Theme: Things I Find Beautiful in My Everyday Life Despite the Pain Question: Living in pain can be difficult, and it’s easy to fall into despair. We start to think that the world is a dark and ugly place, yet it can be so beautiful at the same time. What are some things that you […]

#projChronicWisdom: Secret Motivation Tips for When You’re Unmotivated | Participate here:

Theme: Secret Motivation Tips for When You’re Unmotivated Question: We all have those days where we aren’t motivated to do anything. Everything becomes labourious, and we just want to lie in bed and stare at the wall. What is your best method of dealing with this? How do you get yourself up and going again? […]

Every Next Level of Your Life Will Demand a Different You | A Chronic Voice

“Every next level of your life will demand a different you.” – Leonardo DiCaprio – Who is ‘The Real You’ & What is the Next Level of Your Life? We often believe that we must remain true to ourselves throughout life. But there is a crucial difference between being true, and being intractable. Sometimes we […]

The Secret of Change: Spend Your Energy Wisely with Chronic Illness | A Chronic Voice

Something about this quote on the ‘secret of change’ helps shift my brain into ‘soldier mode’ on demand. It is a tap on the shoulder as I’m gazing behind with drunken, romance laden eyes. It jerks me back to the present moment, and reminds me to focus on what’s ahead. *Disclaimer: This article is meant […]