Flotation Therapy at Palm Avenue Float Club: Did it do Anything for My Chronic Pain? | A Chronic Voice

What Got Me Curious About Floatation Therapy Floatation therapy has been within my interest radar for quite some time. Reviews from other chronic illness bloggers keep popping up on my social media feeds, and they are all positive. Most of these bloggers are caucasian women with fibromyalgia, however. There’s even an entire research project dedicated […]

#projChronicWisdom: Secret Motivation Tips for When You’re Unmotivated | Participate here: www.achronicvoice.com

Theme: Secret Motivation Tips for When You’re Unmotivated Question: We all have those days where we aren’t motivated to do anything. Everything becomes labourious, and we just want to lie in bed and stare at the wall. What is your best method of dealing with this? How do you get yourself up and going again? […]

Every Next Level of Your Life Will Demand a Different You | A Chronic Voice

“Every next level of your life will demand a different you.” – Leonardo DiCaprio – Who is ‘The Real You’ & What is the Next Level of Your Life? We often believe that we must remain true to ourselves throughout life. But there is a crucial difference between being true, and being intractable. Sometimes we […]