We haven’t had a guest blogger in a while, so I’m happy to have Lydia with us today! Lydia lives with chronic migraine, Fibromyalgia and C-PTSD. Today she shares with us her tips on setting healthy boundaries in all sorts of relationships, when you live with chronic illness. Let’s hear what she has to share […]
If you’re a regular participant, you might have noticed that I haven’t been able to make time to join in my own linkups for the past two months! Life has been fraught with stressors of all sorts. A bit of a vicious cycle as one thing always leads to another; a general rule of life. […]
This article explores the seven dimensions of wellness and how we can use them to improve our quality of life despite chronic pain. Those who live with chronic pain know all too well that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to pain management. Even those who live with the same chronic illness often need a mix […]
To live well with chronic illness is tricky. Life with a chronic illness is like driving down a mountain road. You drive carefully, fearful of losing control and veering over the edge. Raise your hand if your life is marked by ‘careful’ habits to accommodate the monster that has invaded your life? Maybe, you have […]
Wait…What Did I Just Think? I woke up feeling like crap. One of those depressive days that arrive unannounced, bringing joint aches and other chronic pain friends along with it. “Today is a bad day”, was the very first thought that surfaced in my mind. Quite the positive thinker, as you can tell. And then, […]
Some reflections I had whilst writing the post, “Why Not From Beautiful, to Still Beautiful?”. I’m not here to dispense advice, because god knows I’m struggling to get my own life in order! But I just wanted to scribble these thoughts down as guideposts, for those bad days when I lose my way. Download the […]
When Chronic Illness or Life Circumstances Affect Your Holidays Negatively I’ve created some holiday checklists here for those with chronic illness, and those who want to lend a helping hand. Holiday seasons are a time for fun and bonding, yet they can also be stressful periods, more so for some than others. Whilst many are […]
CLICK HERE to submit your own entry, and to read about what others are up to as well! Tiring It’s been a tough year for me so far, especially in March. None of my monthly goals have been met, ironically due to ‘normal people’ sicknesses, i.e. bronchitis and dengue fever. I’ve mostly been bed bound, […]
CLICK HERE to submit your own entry, and to read about what others are up to as well! Failing So, my plan for ‘honouring and reviving my youth’ in February was an epic fail :p Note to self: pushing past my regular boundaries do trigger fairly long setbacks, just in case I forget – which […]
*Note from A Chronic Voice: Angela wrote “I May Be Chronically Ill, but I’m Also Chronically Resilient” on our blog last year, and she’s now back with a follow up piece! (That article was also featured on the Top 10 list from 2018, by the way.) In the previous article, she talked about a system […]