Chronic Illness & The Inevitable Loss of Identity Chronic illness has gnawed away at my self-identity, self-esteem and self-worth since it made its debut appearance in my life. Can I blame it? These are some of the best and juiciest cuts of a person. With the utterance of a single diagnosis – Antiphospholipid Syndrome – […]
*Note from A Chronic Voice: Angela wrote “I May Be Chronically Ill, but I’m Also Chronically Resilient” on our blog last year, and she’s now back with a follow up piece! (That article was also featured on the Top 10 list from 2018, by the way.) In the previous article, she talked about a system […]
Why Many People with Chronic Illness Hate to be Known as ‘Sick’ From reading articles online, I’m aware that many of us with chronic illnesses don’t like to be known as sick or weak. No human being does, really. There are many reasons why one might dislike the association with their illness, such as: We […]
Have you ever had that lightning bolt moment where an offhand statement made by someone else knocked you off your feet? A statement so simple, yet powerful enough to make you stop, blink and think. Here are some of those special moments of truths for me. 1. “If you’re suffering so much, then shouldn’t it […]
This question pops up on my Quora feed every so often: “Would you date or marry a person with chronic illness?” So I thought I’d address it once and for all, by first asking – would I, as someone with chronic illnesses, date or marry a healthy person? I have been fortunate enough to date […]
It has only been four months since the launch of A Chronic Voice, but I have learned so much over that short span of time from the increased amount of reading and writing done. As such I figured that there was no harm doing some reflection, and sharing what I’ve learned. Let’s check out 12 […]
My Favourite Poem on Miracles, by Thuli Zuma Whenever I need a good dose of inspiration, this poem on miracles by Thuli Zuma never fails. It reminds me that I am a human being just like anyone else, and that we are all living miracles. I visualise the 90 trillion cells hard at work inside […]