Disability & Sex: Disabled People are Not Automatically Bad Sexual or Romantic Partners

Amidst the dozens of emails I receive a day for blog related stuff, one stood out the other day. It asked if I was interested in writing a post for their blog on sex and disability. I was highly suspicious at first, as it was from a porn site, Lustery. Was it legitimate or risky? […]

Why Painkillers are One of My Biggest Allies for a Decent Quality of Life | A Chronic Voice

The Many Negative Associations with Painkillers Painkillers – hero, villain, friend and foe in one. What’s your opinion about them? Have you been told: Don’t take them, they’re bad for your liver and body. You’ll become reliant, dependent, or addicted to them. A good-for-nothing, pathetic junky. You’ll need more and more of them to kill […]