I skipped last month’s linkup as I was overloaded with school, medical appointments, chronic pain and the full works! Since it’s recess week, I thought I’d squeeze in and kick off the March 2023 writing prompts early. How has everyone been, with chronic illness and/or disabilities in the mix? As always, I’d love to hear […]
An Introduction to Aepios & Christina I am excited to have Christina DeSerio, CEO of Aepios, with us today on the blog! Christina is a neuroscientist who also lives with several chronic illnesses. Aepios is an acronym that stands for: An Empowering Place to Interact and Openly Share. It is a support network for chronic […]
In this article we explore the concepts of ‘The Wisdom of the Crowd’, the problems currently faced in healthcare, and how the Alike Health app can be used to improve your healthcare. Chronic illness management is a tricky and touchy topic, as every patient is unique and different. Every healthcare professional has a different medical […]
What is the Chronic Illness Social Pod For? So I finally set up the social media engagement pod I’ve been talking about! It wasn’t so difficult, but kind of tedious at the same time. I had discovered (after all these years, I know right?) similar pages on Facebook a month or two ago, and have […]
And so 2019 has finally come to an end. A hectic, tiring, and also exhilarating one for me, I’d say. What about you? I had a few health scares – dengue fever, plus bleeding to death and being rejected by the A&E. Of course there were the usual flare ups that come with the chronic […]
Ancient Communities vs Modern Independence Independence is a much revered trait in the modern human being. But total independence is a bunch of bullshit. To be completely independent is to live in a bubble in which you’d die within minutes. To be alive is to be dependent; every living being breathes, and that requires synthesis. […]