September Writing Prompts for People with Chronic Illnesses & Disabilities

It’s time to share about your chronic illness life, using the September writing prompts! Admittedly I haven’t been participating in my own linkups in recent months as much as I’d like to, for a mix of reasons. But I still get excited whenever I receive a notification of a new entry. Your entry. And I’m […]

August Writing Prompts for People with Chronic Illnesses & Disabilities

It’s time for the August writing prompts, so I hope you have your virtual pens ready! 🙂 If you recall, I shared the concept and awareness in the June linkup, that I needed to ‘make time’ for the things that mattered to me. Ironically, July flew by, full of errands and little tasks that stole […]

July Writing Prompts for People with Chronic Illnesses & Disabilities

It’s time for the July writing prompts! If you’ve never joined us, it’s specially for people who live with chronic illness, chronic pain and/or a disability. If you’re hesitating to join us, please don’t! I personally love to read what every single person has to share about their parallel lives with chronic illness, and it’s […]

June Writing Prompts for People with Chronic Illnesses & Disabilities

Hello and welcome to the June writing prompts (and summer… and the middle of the year…). Time sure has whizzed by in 2021, wouldn’t you agree? Admittedly, I haven’t been organising my time very efficiently and need to work on that. I’d love to hear about how you’ve been coping so far this year, and […]

April Writing Prompts for People with Chronic Illnesses & Disabilities

Hello it’s the spring season, and time for the April writing prompts! Have a look at what’s in store for our cosy little chronic illness writing community this month. I hope to read more about how you’ve been doing, understand your chronic illness life a little more, and hopefully make more online spoonie friends. Sending […]

Why I Moved from SiteGround to Cloudways (and Couldn’t be Happier). Plus Cute Puppy Pics & A New Pacing Strategy.

A bit of a mishmash of topics this month for my linkup entry, but why not?! Read about my latest web hosting saga; a mini review of SiteGround and Cloudways of sorts. A bit of a blogger’s nightmare as my website was taken offline for almost a week. And how that turned to a blessing […]

March Writing Prompts for People with Chronic Illnesses & Disabilities

It’s time for the March writing prompts, believe it or not. And yes, I say ‘believe or not’ just about every month 😉 What have you been up to, these first three months of the ‘new’ year? It’s a lot of ‘sameness’ I guess, with the mutating COVID strains, and the need to remain cautious […]

February Writing Prompts for People with Chronic Illnesses & Disabilities | A Chronic Voice

I’m entering the month with a pesky cough which isn’t very fun. The COVID swab at the GP came back negative; it was very efficient and they texted me the results the next day. Anyway, what will you be up to this February? We know the pandemic’s going to be a while so if you […]