What's It Like Going Back to School as an Adult with Disability and Chronic Illness

Going back to school as an adult with disability and chronic illness wasn’t something I had in mind – at all. But a lot has happened this year for me. For those who aren’t aware, I suffered a spontaneous bilateral patellar tendon rupture in January, which left me suddenly disabled and completely bed-bound for several […]

When Autoimmune Disorder Ravages Your Face (and How That Led to My Body Dysmorphic Disorder) - Guest Post by: Julia Métraux | A Chronic Voice

*Note from A Chronic Voice: Julia is passionate about writing and contributes to various online publications. She aims to raise awareness on rare diseases and mental health, and we’re honoured to have her share her story with us here today. The stress of living with either chronic illness, permanent injury, or mental illness is one […]

Call Me Sick Girl (Or How to Make Your Weakness Your Strength) | www.achronicvoice.com

Why Many People with Chronic Illness Hate to be Known as ‘Sick’ From reading articles online, I’m aware that many of us with chronic illnesses don’t like to be known as sick or weak. No human being does, really. There are many reasons why one might dislike the association with their illness, such as: We […]

Book Recommendations for Spoonies (but You're All Invited, Too!) | www.achronicvoice.com

Book Recommendations for People with Chronic Illness, but Suitable for All Hello and welcome to the first in a series of book roundups, curated with spoonies in mind! They’re all written by people with illness themselves, or with content that is relevant to our way of life. I’ll also throw in some unrelated, bonus recommendations […]

“It’s in My Blood”: Roy George – A Dramatic Life with a Short Bowel | www.achronicvoice.com

The Wonderful Randomness of the Internet To tell you the truth, I hardly know a thing about Roy; he isn’t in my usual online circle. In fact it was another stranger who linked us up with a few quick words on Twitter and voilà, I have a new, interesting person to feature in this series! […]

Kick Ass With Kindness and a Sweet Cherry on Top

A Mundane Activity Embedded in My Memory There was this game we played in secondary school post-exams during some motivational course. Blank papers were stuck onto our backs, and we had to go around writing down a person’s best quality. I noticed that those who lacked immediate personality had the default words ‘sweet’ attributed to […]