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Would You Date a Person with Chronic Illness?

Would You Date a Person with Chronic Illness? | Featured Image Blog Post on A Chronic Voice

This question pops up on my Quora feed every so often: “Would you date or marry a person with chronic illness?” So I thought I’d address it once and for all, by first asking – would I, as someone with chronic illnesses, date or marry a healthy person?

I have been fortunate enough to date men from extreme ends of the spectrum, in relation to my health. It gives me insight into different perspectives, which enables me to identify and appreciate certain characteristics better. Their opinions about our future together were diverse, and so were their attitudes towards my daily health struggles. Before going further, I’d like to state that the purpose of this article isn’t to bash anyone at all. Everyone is entitled to how they want to live out their own lives, for better or for worse.

*Disclaimer: This article is meant for educational purposes, and is based on my personal experiences as a patient. I am not a doctor, and nothing in this article should be substituted for medical advice. Please consult your own doctor before changing or adding any new treatment protocols. This post may also contain affiliate links. It will cost you nothing to click on them. I will get a small referral fee from purchases you make, which helps with the maintenance of this blog. Read our Privacy Policy page for more information. Thank you!

Dating at One End of the Spectrum

I once dated a man whose greatest desire was to start a family of his own, and it troubled him that I never seemed to get better. He did not like the open-ended, variable timetable of my illnesses. Neither did he want to start with a ‘deficit’ before even trying for a child.

I underwent a few surgeries whilst we were dating, and he felt tormented that he could do ‘nothing’ to make it better. Yet he never provided any emotional support, and would often bail out on the bad days. I ended up having to be stronger for him, because ‘it was difficult for him too’. I would always give in to him, because I thought that I had less rights to my own opinions. It was already a burden for someone to be with me, what more could I ask for?

Dating at the Other End of the Spectrum

My next boyfriend on the other hand, always saw the future in a hopeful light, and goes with the flow of life. He has seen me at my worst, yet never once treated me as a lesser human being. I knew for sure that life would never be easy with me, yet it was a non-issue to him. He claims that there is nothing wrong with me at all, and that I didn’t affect his lifestyle.

I found that I grew with him as a person, because of his support to the very end. He never undermined any desire I had for education, which comes in many forms. Apart from the intellect, it also consists of life skills, hobbies, and most importantly, self awareness.

Mental and invisible health issues are often seen as suspicious in the eyes of the public, but I have never felt stigmatised by him. I could display my psychological and physical pains at the level of torture that they were truly at. This brings so much relief, just to have someone who believes you, and who never belittles the impact your experiences have on you.

The Most Important Thing I’ve Learned From These Polar Experiences

With the freedom I have had to grow, I’ve learned that I am worth just as much as any other person out there. So what if my illnesses are permanent? There is only one me amongst the billions of us on this planet, and we are all worth something in that regard.

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There is only one me amongst the billions of us on this planet, and we are all worth something in that regard.

There is no doubt that a person with chronic illness will need more help than someone who is healthy just to get by. Many situations might test your patience, question your love and flirt with your morality. But no human being is truly independent anyway; just cut off their oxygen supply for a few minutes.

So in conclusion to my earlier question – would I date a healthy person? Yes of course. I’d pour my heart and soul into it, with the added awareness that I deserve this just as much as anyone else. But if I were dating someone who treated me with contempt or blame then I, a person with chronic illnesses, would leave him. If there’s anything I’ve learned at all from dating as someone with permanent illnesses, it is to have some respect for myself.

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    For More Insight:

  1. “Why Would I Want to Date You?” (
  2. The Guilt of Depending on Someone When You’re Ill ( h
  3. Why I Don’t Blame My Depression for My Relationship Ending (
  4. Why I’m No Longer Offering My Husband an ‘Out’ Because of My Illness (
  5. When You Should Tell Your Date About Your Diagnosis (

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Would You Date or Marry a Person with Chronic Illness?

Would You Date or Marry a Person with Chronic Illness?

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Jules Lewis
Jules Lewis
February 14, 2023 10:08

When I became disabled (sudden injury, surgery that went badly, some improvement, then plateaued), my partner of 6 years left me. We’d been very into fitness, hiking, canoeing, weight lifting, etc., and he just couldn’t handle the idea of being with someone with chronic pain and mobility problems forever. It hurt, but I understood, and I’m glad he left right away – if he’d stuck around for a while it would have been worse.

I’ve dated several people since him – all of them have been either supportive or just “eh, whatever”. I’ve always talked to them a lot about stepping back if they need a break, and that has worked well.

My current partner (9 years!) is chronically ill, also has chronic pain, and has mental health problems worse than, but similar to, mine. We just get each other. We support each other. We rarely have to explain what’s happening. Occasionally 1 of us has to step back for a bit (I needed to when my Mum had cancer), but we both have friends we can turn to.

We both have a fair number of bad days, which often don’t coincide, so it can get frustrating sometimes when we want to do something (or have sex!), but we’re used to it.

Best relationship I’ve ever had.

Sheryl Chan
February 16, 2023 18:17
Reply to  Jules Lewis

Hi Jules, I’m sorry to hear about the initial heartbreak. I get how much it stings. But like you said, it was for the best (and I think, better early than late!).

I am also so glad to hear that your current partner gets you and you him so clearly. That’s so important! I am happy to hear that you’re happy! Wishing the both of you the very best in life 🙂

Debra Roberts
January 30, 2022 01:25

You’re beautiful and strong and I commend you for taking the time to share all of this. I have a 32-year-old son who’s been battling a mystery disease for over three years now and it all started after he and his wife had their second baby. It’s been crazy that they can’t figure out what’s wrong with him and his plethora of symptoms and bad days. His wife is a trooper and stands right with him, even learning to cook very stringent foods that help him heal and stay strong. This is his story if you’d like to read it. I find that my sharing, we learn different things from one another that work and don’t work. I too, have an autoimmune disease (Sjorgen’s) and while it doesn’t hold a candle to Lupus, oftentimes, people with Lupus have Sjorgren’s and vice versa…they travel in pairs.

Sheryl Chan
February 19, 2022 12:55
Reply to  Debra Roberts

Hi Debra, thank you for sharing. I’ll have a read and share! He and his wife sound like troopers and survivors. Life throws the balls and we catch, I guess. But we can all do it together 🙂 Sending my good thoughts.

October 26, 2021 21:43

This is such a great post Sheryl, thank you. We’re just as deserving of love, respect and help and capable of giving those things in return in a relationship as anyone else. Anyone who makes us feel otherwise doesn’t deserve to be with us 🙂

March 20, 2020 05:10

I have husband that I’ve always been able to keep up for the most part. He’s rarely sick (and so was I for the first 20 years of our marriage). Since developing Fibromyalgia, it’s certainly an adjustment for both of us and we’re still figuring things out. Luckily, he’s patient and willing to adjust. He’s slowing down, too, due to age, so that helps;)

Sheryl Chan
March 20, 2020 11:34
Reply to  Katie

Hi Katie, relationships can make or break when something so stressful such as chronic illness comes along, especially when the couple had a difference existence before then. I am so glad to hear he’s been so loving and supportive, as I’m sure you are towards him to – each person giving 100% of what they can and have 🙂 Send him my greetings! 🙂 x

April Key C. Rode
March 6, 2020 01:50

Great post! I enjoyed reading this and it is so important for everyone who has a chronic illness to be reminded that we have to love ourselves more.

Sheryl Chan
March 11, 2020 01:38

Thanks, April! Yes we do, as we do deserve it as well 🙂

December 22, 2019 04:15

As you said, it is not for everyone and there is nothing wrong about that but I would definitely do it. Great post really.

Sheryl Chan
December 22, 2019 22:33
Reply to  Chad

Yup, I think it’s good to raise awareness and talk about such issues as much and as freely as possible, so that it becomes normal to do so.

Catherine Santiago Jose
Catherine Santiago Jose
December 22, 2019 01:37

I am happy that I am able to read this beautiful and interesting article today. I have never tried to date a chronic illness person but you know what, what I believe is you can’t do anything if your heart choose to love an illness person the only thing you can do is to fight for it and make your relationship work together.

Sheryl Chan
December 22, 2019 22:33

Agreed, Catherine! Even though it can be a very tough path, and not everyone is looking for that upfront 😉

Katie Wallace
December 21, 2019 05:04

I can imagine this would be very hard to navigate. Thanks for sharing your experience. Hard things can make people more compassionate. You can encourage alot of people because of your experiences.

Sheryl Chan
December 22, 2019 22:30
Reply to  Katie Wallace

Thanks for your thoughts, Katie! It’s good to have discussions like this, and to make them more open, I believe!

December 21, 2019 02:49

I would absolutely date a person with a chronic illness. I wouldn’t let that stop me from sharing life with them if I was interested. A chronic illness is something a person has to deal with, it’s not who they are.

December 21, 2019 01:49

I have chronic illnesses and my husband has a rare bone disease that has no cure. We both experience pain and have bad days in very different ways, but our imperfections have helped us create a ton of empathy for each other. We don’t talk about our issues publicly so most people think we are healthy and are living the good life! I often get comments like “oh I wish I was as active as your family, you’re lucky you are young and healthy.” That always irks me because the reality is, it is an everyday struggle for both of us. I am so grateful I have a very caring and understanding husband, but I wish we were both 100% healthy.

Sheryl Chan
December 22, 2019 22:32
Reply to  Emmy

Hi Emmy, thanks for sharing your story. I know someone with a rare degenerative bone disease too, and can only imagine how terribly painful and limiting it must be. I am glad you both are there for each other. People can be ignorant, and it does make things harder. But I hope it doesn’t affect you too much! Sending gentle hugs from here x

September 16, 2019 21:07

I agree that dating someone with a chronic illness is not for everyone. One needs to be realistic when considering it. I’m sure it is frustrating for a person who is suffering from illness.

Sheryl Chan
September 17, 2019 15:28
Reply to  arv!

Exactly…although when the match is a good one, it can make for some of the most meaningful experiences ever.

Nikki Michelle Albert
Nikki Michelle Albert
June 11, 2019 02:35

When I first started dating my spouse he was healthy, I was not. And it was totally a non-issue for him even though over time it has caused us both a lot of stress. Over time though he has had cancer and he has gastroparesis… so technically we are both chronically ill (his cancer was treated via surgery). And I understand him and he understands me. Works

Sheryl Chan
June 11, 2019 12:31

Hi Nikki, I’m sure it causes a lot of stress and problems, no matter how dedicated or understanding a couple is on both sides. It’s just the way it is, with all the unknown pain and uncertainties about even the near future.

I am glad that his cancer got under control, although having gastroparesis sucks I’m sure 🙁 Am glad that you both have an understanding partner whom you can confide in though. That’s a blessing x

Despite Pain
June 9, 2019 21:24

It’s amazing how different some people are. I sometimes think that the ones who don’t deal with their partner’s health condition well, would possibly deal with other aspects of the relationship badly anyway.

I remember meeting my husband and felt so self-conscious about my problems. He just accepted everything that came our way and helped me when I needed help. And, 27 years later, still does. There are good people out there who make the best partners.

An old friend of his gave him lots of praise when he found out I was disabled. It almost felt as though he was saying, “Well done for rescuing the stray cat that nobody else would have taken.” My husband married me, a real person. Not a disability. The disability just happens to come along with me. The guy’s comment wasn’t meant badly against me, he was genuinely praising my husband, but it felt quite cutting at the time for me, as though the only thing people could see was the disability.

(Sorry, I went off on a tangent..)

Sheryl Chan
June 10, 2019 11:04
Reply to  Despite Pain

Haha no worries on going off tangent, good to hear more thoughts! And yes, it’s amazing everyone is so different. I mean, I’m already amazed by that difference in my pet birds. All six of them are so different, and these three new babies even are starting to develop their own differences. And these just tiny birds with ‘bird brains’ (beg to differ but anyway), what more humans!

And I had no idea you were married for 27 years! For some reason I thought you were in your early thirties 😉 Sounds like such a wonderful man. And thanks for giving us all hope! 😉

Despite Pain
June 10, 2019 14:42
Reply to  Sheryl Chan

I wish, lol. I’m 53, although this morning, I feel about 93. ?

Sheryl Chan
June 10, 2019 16:58
Reply to  Despite Pain

Haha, 53!!!!!! I wouldn’t have guessed, truly! 😉

April 12, 2018 07:49

I’m a single mom.of two, early 40’s. Been ill for many years, chronic pain, and always broke. There is not one single person in my personal life who cares two cents about me, so once the kids are grown, which is soon, I want to get a house out in the woods in the middle of no where and just he alone. The hurt, every day, is too painful to bear, so why try. I wish I had my health back, I was I had a huge bank account, but I don’t. And that’s what men want. Not someone like me. So, being a hermit at the moment is my only goal. Can’t get hurt being a hermit. And for those who reply back and give up..that isn’t’s all hogwash. For those who have found someone, must have money then. That’s all that really matters. If I were fat, ugly, but with money, I’m certain my dance card would be filled. And getting help? Ha! People only want to be around me if I help them. If I need help, they run. Unless I pay them.

Sheryl Chan
April 12, 2018 12:04
Reply to  Jenn

I’m sorry to hear about this, and of all your bad experiences with relationships 🙁 I hope your kids bring you comfort regardless, and it takes a lot to bring them up as a single mother, so you’re doing excellent despite it all. I wish you well, and will be happy to lend a listening ear online, if you need. Take care x

Mandy Farmer
Mandy Farmer
April 1, 2018 01:45

This is a good thing to think about for everyone.
I was thinking recently how one never really considers what those vows might mean, for Sickness and in health, richer or POORER,

Sheryl Chan
April 1, 2018 13:17
Reply to  Mandy Farmer

Hi Mandy, yes very true. It stings when you realise a partner will only stick with you when things are going well. But live and learn, and we can only possibly attract the very best people in the universe 😉 x

March 9, 2018 06:41

You all just covered so many fears that have been restricting me from even allowing a relationdhip since knowing my illness..youve left me with knowing some of my fears are justified, and youve also made me feel worth investing in.. filled me with hope and a willingness to stay open to what may come and i want to say a huge thank you for that!!

Sheryl Chan
March 9, 2018 10:32
Reply to  G.alam

I’m glad that this article helped a little 🙂 It wasn’t written to make anyone ‘feel good’, but it really is the simple truth! I wish you all the best in your dating adventures 😉

Peter Sellers
Peter Sellers
January 10, 2018 04:02

Since my own diagnosis of kidney disease at the age of 35, dating has been tortuous and has yielded no results. Now at 50, and at risk of sliding into resentment with streaks of bitterness, I’m struggling to stay positive and hopeful.
As a 50 year old man struggling to make a sincere connection in a large cosmopolitan city like Toronto, I am often confronted with women who seem more intent on finding a partner that meets their list of expectations. That is a shopping list of qualifications for Mr. Right. And having a chronic illness seems to put me in a rejection box; “ DEFECTIVE MERCHANDISE: REJECT IMMEDIATELY”.
Honestly, this is extremely frustrating and humiliating. Do I have to adjust my perspective here or am I doomed as a man to suffer quietly ? Should I focus on dating women with a disability ? Maybe join a kidney disease support group ? I would prefer to socialize with healthy people and not dwell in the world of illness and disease; it tends to be self-absorbing and morose ( which I am equally guilty of ). We can sit here and write about how kindness and compassion needs to be practised, but this culture is not always nice and tends to kick people who are down and out. Should I even keep trying ? Why should I bother ?
Getting bitter and angry

Sheryl Chan
January 13, 2018 21:14
Reply to  Peter Sellers

Hi Peter,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts here. It can indeed be hard to find a life partner, no matter who we are or what we have/don’t have. You’re older than I am and probably have way more experience, so I don’t think I have much advice to give! But I do believe that there is someone for us all out there, and also what goes round comes round. Perhaps (perhaps!) what might help is not to focus finding a partner specifically, and instead, on giving without expectations and putting yourself out there. Once again, I don’t know what you have/haven’t tried or your exact scenario, so that’s just me sharing some thoughts 🙂 I do agree that city folks can be more selfish, as I also come from a materialistic society. While there is much to despair over the state of our humanity, I believe there are also many ‘faith restored in humanity’ moments that make it worthwhile. I wish you all the best in your journey, and feel free to keep in touch over social media!

October 1, 2017 19:44

Every time I see someone talking about relationship problems/situations, it’s almost quaint. I can’t even get a date anymore, certainly not online, everyone wants Prince Charming or an “equal”, whatever that is. People don’t want to be bothered, that’s the reality. My last girlfriend just quit showing up, didn’t bother to tell me what was going on. So now, I don’t have to “wish someone else would have to experience this chronic pain so they would have empathy” anymore. Or have sex, or a conversation, or swap jokes, or share a meal, either. Certainly makes life simpler and quieter if nothing else, on the positive side. Even if there is a disturbing lack of choice involved.

Sheryl Chan
October 1, 2017 20:06
Reply to  Bruce

Hi Bruce, thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences. You’re right that many people don’t want to be bothered with these extra problems we have, and I think your attitude is pretty wise in a sense. Whatever will be will be, and life leads down other interesting paths sometimes!

June 22, 2017 05:30

Thank you for sharing this. My wife and I both have had issues with dating prior to our relationship. There ere a lot of factors that have helped us on our journey together. She and I both were caregiviers to ill relatives prior to our relationship, and we both have physical and mental disabilities that have made ie it difficult in other relationships. The difference is that we support each other no matter what. She had anyeurisms burst in her brain when she was about 35 that left her paralyzed on the left side of her body, I was in an industrial accident when I was 29, and had my left foot crushed and severed about 3/4 of the way around. So neither of us are able to walk very well, but we are both warriors and fight daily to live our lives to the fullest. Additionally she is bipolar and has anxiety, while I suffer fro severe depression, anxiety, and PTSD. We have been together for alost 5 years, and find it refreshing how well we adapt to each other’s needs on a daily basis. I handle the household chores and she manages the finances as neither of us are capable of working and we rely on her disability check every month. But we have discovered that we are better together than we ever were apart. My family thinks the world of her, and her children who are close to my age have always accepted me with open arms, as I am the only husband she has had since her disability who truly treats her with love and respect. We don’t have an easy life, but together we have a life that we wouldn’t otherwise have. We both tried dating so called “normal” people but were usually treated as charity cases or mentally and emotionally abused because of our disabilities. We both have good and bad days, but we have each other to lean on regardless, and we’re not giving up on each other. We have decided that we will be married until one of us passes away no matter what. In other words, we both took the leap to date someone with a chronic illness/disability, and found it to be the best relationship we’ve ever had.

Sheryl Chan
June 22, 2017 13:35
Reply to  Jason

Hi Jason,

Thanks so much for taking the time to read and share your personal story with me! Also, it’s always good to hear from the men in our community! 😉 While living with such crippling issues that make life difficult every single day both for yourself and your loved one is horrible, I am also glad that you both have a chance to love each other even deeper and that you’re both committed to living out a fulfilling and meaningful life. Wishing you and those you love a happy and meaningful life ahead!

Renee Summerlin
Renee Summerlin
June 21, 2017 23:11

Enjoyed your article so much! Just a little background on me–diagnosed with severe JIA in 1966 at the age of 8. I’ve always been able to do anything I’ve wanted to, I just have to be a little more “creative” sometimes! When I met my husband in college, I remember how his mother reacted when we announced our engagement. I overheard her questioning him because of my RA. We married in 1979. Ironically, my husband was diagnosed with MS in 1987. We have a very loving and strong marriage–we also take care of each other!!!

Sheryl Chan
June 22, 2017 01:20

Hi Renee,

Thank you for sharing part of your life with me 🙂 I know how that feels – my ex-bf left me in part because his mother was furious when she found out that I had health problems. I am happy for you that your partner loved and loves you so much, and it truly warms my heart to hear that things do and can work out 🙂 Wishing you an even more loving and stronger marriage in the years to come!

June 21, 2017 22:47

My partner and I have been together since we were 20 and he was diagnosed with MS at 27. He told me to walk away if wanted to but it honestly never crossed my mind. I was very sick myself for a while and he was there every step of the way. He supported me through college and has been my biggest supporter and my rock and i always maintain that my degree is our degree. Yeah I work because he can’t at the moment but he keeps the rest of our life running smoothly. We are definitely equals in our relationship.

Sheryl Chan
June 22, 2017 01:15
Reply to  Jamie

Hi Jamie,

Thank you for sharing part of your life with me. I am very happy for the strong bond between you and your partner, it is definitely one of the most precious things in the world 🙂 Wishing you long, happy and meaningful years ahead!

March 21, 2017 06:14

This was a very interesting read thank you. I do not suffer from a chronic illness but would not find it a barrier. Physical and son psychological issues are not what I would call barriers to stop love. However I have a slightly different twist, can I as a single person expect someone to take on my responsibilities, I have a sick sibling who ultimately will be totally dependent on me?
This has caused major tension and breakup of previous relationships.
Its not just the people who are sick that struggle.
Wishing you all health, wealth, love and happiness x

Sheryl Chan
March 22, 2017 15:12
Reply to  anonymous


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts 🙂 Yes that is an interesting twist. I do have friends that had to become the sole breadwinner of the family at a young age, so I do have an idea of what you’re saying. It definitely is a struggle for caregivers too. They slip through the cracks too often because they either feel guilty and remain silent, or people don’t realise the enormous burden they carry, too. I am glad you brought this point up, and hope you continue to speak about such issues in one way or another…awareness and support for caregivers are also very important 🙂 Wishing you health, wealth, love and happiness too!

March 17, 2017 03:16

I met my now husband after being diagnosed. I told him straight away and he made no promises. In fact he said he couldn’t promise that he would cope. 10years later we were married. I have subsequently got much worse and we deal,with what life brings together. It is hard and our relationship is different these days, not bad, it’s wonderful, but still different. There are still no promises. I know my husband would leave if he felt he couldn’t do it anymore. As would I.. therefore I know he’s still here because he loves me and wants to be here. No one is perfect and sometimes it gets to us both. So far so good. I don’t know how I would manage without his support and I hope I never have to

Sheryl Chan
March 17, 2017 12:20
Reply to  Kathie

Hi Kathie,

I’m really happy that you both are trying your best to make things work out…that’s all we can do I suppose 🙂 And he sounds like an honest person that says it not because he’s thinking of ever giving up, but because he doesn’t want to disappoint you (this is just from reading your few short sentences!). Wishing the both of you all the best in this grey-area life that we’re all trying to navigate through. x

March 4, 2017 17:30

Such a fantastic post! I too have been in relationships with people on both ends of the spectrum. Both of whom knew that I was ill when they met me, but one treated me like he was doing me a favour (even said, “no one else would put up with you and your illnesses”). He was abusive in more ways than one. The other extreme is my now husband. He’s always been so supportive and we’ve worked through the difficulties of chronic illness together. When we married, neither of us had any idea that I would need a wheelchair, but it hasn’t phased him at all. He still sees me as the same person and does everything he can to help me keep as much independence as possible. I dread to think what would’ve happened if I’d married the other man. He wouldn’t have adapted to a wheelchair at all. Xx

Tania | When Tania Talks

Sheryl Chan
March 4, 2017 23:12
Reply to  Tania

Hi Tania,

Thank you, and thank you for sharing! Am glad you married the right one 😉 Totally get what you mean when you say your ex wouldn’t have adapted to you in a wheelchair. It can be hard to tell though, when you’re engrossed in a bad relationship (at least for me). You just keep compromising little by little, until it becomes the norm. I’d say one thing though. Being ill does attract the most fabulous sorts of people into our lives 😉 No selfish person would want to stick around for this shit 😉 Wishing both you and your hubby many beautiful days ahead!

March 1, 2017 05:15

Interesting perspective! I always said I would never date anybody with a mental illness, after a couple of horrible dating experiences. In saying that, I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety after my now husband and I got engaged. It was certainly very difficult for him during this time, and I feel the only reason we have made it is because he would always remind us both that the illness I had was just that, an illness, and he knew who he fell in love with. I wish we both didn’t have to go through that, however we did and are happily married and stronger than ever!

My husband also has epilepsy and I have spent many many sleepless nights next to him in hospital, however I have always found those scary moments to be instrumental in reminding me just how much I love him.

Sibce we were married I have developed a sometimes debilitating autoimmune disease which has its difficulties if course! I can’t speak for him, but he is almost always supportive and will go the extra mile to make sure we have dinner on the table every night and a clean house. Of course he gets tired and struggles sometimes, but nobody is perfect and we do show our worst sides to those we love the most.

Quite frankly, I don’t know how I could have gotten through the past 5 or 6 years without him. I have learned from him that love is a choice and not a feeling. Sometimes love feels good and sometimes it is a hard slog, but it is never worth giving up on the other person. We make each other be the best we can be.

Sheryl Chan
March 1, 2017 16:16
Reply to  Emma

Hi Emma,

Thank you for sharing more insight 🙂 It’s great that you’re making each other the best you can be and that you’re both trying, that’s all that matters! You both sound like wonderful, supportive people, and I wish the both of you a happy and fulfilling life together 🙂

Lydia B
March 1, 2017 03:03

This is a very interesting and needed post. I love how you talk about the “two ends of the spectrum”. In my case the spectrum was a little different. Because of my mental illnesses I “settled” on a spouse who also had challenges that unfortunately neither of us could get past. The mental caused physical conditions and the stress of an abusive marriage just made things worse. When I was able to get out of that and work on myself, I found someone who had always actually been there. It took us awhile to work through the obstacles, but we have been married for over 15 years and he is my rock. He accepts my challenges and does all he can to make me feel whole and loved.

Ava Meena
February 28, 2017 07:38

I think another interesting angle of this topic is how married people with chronic illness can continue to “date” their spouses. My husband continued dating me throughout our marriage until I got sick. Then he wasn’t able take me out as often due to my physical limitations and he had to spend time taking care of me (and himself) and that didn’t leave him a lot of time to date me. Not being able to date (even though we try) has definitely affected our marriage.

I’m glad you’re with someone right now who seems to be great for you!

Sheryl Chan
February 28, 2017 18:22
Reply to  Ava Meena

Hi Ava,

I do think it can be harder for people who get diagnosed with chronic illnesses only after their marriage, as there are certain ‘fixed perspectives’ and expectations you both had in mind when you said, “I do”. It would definitely be interesting to hear it from your point of view, especially since you write well! 😉 I hope you both manage to find a perfect balance, he seems to be a great guy from what I can tell from all your posts 🙂 Take care!

February 28, 2017 07:18

Thank you so much for participating in our chronic pain & chronic illness link up party at The Unbroken Smile. I’m sure our community will love your article, thanks so much for sharing! Please join us again next week. ((Gentle Hugs))

Sheryl Chan
February 28, 2017 18:10
Reply to  Elizabeth

Thanks for hosting these awesome link up parties!

February 28, 2017 00:18

Hi Sheryl,

I so agree with your post and love what your BF says in your comment to Kelsey (even if you weren’t sick, there’ll be some other issue). Ultimately, we all have quirks and issues. For some of us it’s our health.

I also discovered the same thing about who to date – the most important thing is someone who you feel good with. We may feel desperate and unlovable – but it’s not true and the best gift we can give ourselves is to love ourselves enough to be kind to ourselves. ie: What you said, anyone “who treated me with contempt or blame then I, a person with chronic illnesses, would leave him”

and there really is just one you – one me

Thx for your post!

Sheryl Chan
February 28, 2017 00:30
Reply to  Veronique

Hi Veronica,

Thank you for dropping by! Yes we are all unique in this universe, and that includes personal quirks, talents and issues all in one 😉 And yes we deserve love as chronic illness human beings too!

February 27, 2017 23:24

I LOVE the wisdom and awareness with which you approached all sides of this. SO good.

Sheryl Chan
February 27, 2017 23:59
Reply to  Stacey

Hi Stacey,

Thank you for your wonderful support as always! ❤

February 27, 2017 05:09

It’s funny I found this post today! I’ve been struggling to explain to my husband why my illness is not worse for him! He can’t seem to see that in addition to being limited, I have the pain and fatigue and guilt too. Yes, it’s hard for his life to be limited but sometimes this causes him to have so little empathy or compassion! Yet he had seemed so compassionate when we were dating!
100% be wary when choosing a life partner because it is hard knowing no matter how well you do, it’s never enough.

Sheryl Chan
February 28, 2017 00:34
Reply to  Melissa

Hehe my mom and many of my aunts say similar, i.e. ‘Your dad used to be a gentleman before we got married!’ ? it can be hard to understand, and I wrote a post on it too, that might be helpful to you:

Compassion is something that can be worked on always, I struggle with it myself. Truly hoping you and your husband manage to find a good balance you’re both happy with xx

February 26, 2017 23:05

I couldn’t have written this any better myself. Your words were something I needed to head this morning. I myself am dating again after a relationship that made me feel less of a person bc I was sick. I hope at some point I can find the courage and the words to write my own account of that chapter in life. Seriously though… this is one of the top 3 blog posts I have ever read. Thank you xoxo

Sheryl Chan
February 26, 2017 23:36
Reply to  Kels

Hi Kels,

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment, I appreciate it. Yes dating again can be such a scary thing, simply because of that illness barrier and hurdle to go through. I do have more stories to tell, but they are irrelevant for this post in particular. Stay tuned (when I actually get around to writing it) ;p And thank you for the compliment, that’s a big honour! Wishing you a great day and wonderful journey ahead with your loved ones.

February 26, 2017 13:01

Great blog post! I have had similar experiences with dating! I am still looking for Mr. Right. I often feel discouraged because of my illness; I guess I feel I do not want to put anyone through my stuff. Any advice on how you regained your confidence? How did you meet your current bf? Thanks ?

Sheryl Chan
February 26, 2017 16:53
Reply to  Kelsey

Hi Kelsey,

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment 🙂 I am still learning to not put myself down all the time, but my therapist helped a great deal. Ironically I sought her for totally different issues during a bad health period, but I realised that everything in your life is linked. Something my bf said to me as well, “even if you weren’t sick, there’ll be some other issue anyway.” Which is so true…there’s no such thing as a perfect relationship, it’s a lot of working together as human beings. All the best to you, and don’t sweat it! Give out the good vibes to get the good vibes 🙂