Today is Not a Good Day to Make Decisions (and That's Okay) | A Chronic Voice

Have you ever thought to yourself that it’s not a good day today, and then watch your mind and body spiral downwards helplessly? These feelings are all part of the human experience, no matter age, gender, circumstance, health or wealth. You are not alone. What I hope to illustrate with this post is the humanity […]

Call Me Sick Girl (Or How to Make Your Weakness Your Strength) |

Why Many People with Chronic Illness Hate to be Known as ‘Sick’ From reading articles online, I’m aware that many of us with chronic illnesses don’t like to be known as sick or weak. No human being does, really. There are many reasons why one might dislike the association with their illness, such as: We […]

Flowers are the Most Beautiful When They're Just About to Die (and What That's Got to Do with Being a Spoonie) |

A Surprising Thought During a Floral Workshop Recently, I attended a floral workshop as part of a good friend’s hen’s party. Such classes aren’t that cheap, so in a way I was glad to finally have an ‘excuse’ to go for one without feeling guilty 😉 (P.s. I understand why they’re charged at those rates, […]

Sometimes telling ourselves to be brave invokes fear. Here's why you don't have to be strong, just a little stronger than before.

When Inspiration Becomes the Standard We often tell ourselves or others to ‘be strong’ or to ‘be brave’. Instead of instilling inspiration, these statements can sometimes provoke the opposite effect. It becomes another standard we have to meet, and triggers more ripples of fear. But the fact is, you don’t have to be strong, at […]

Give Your Best Anyway, Even When You’re Feeling Depressed |

*This post was first published on, and is being republished here with permission from the editors. *Trigger Warning: Mentions of suicide, suicide ideation, and depression. This article is based on my personal experiences, and is not to be taken as medical advice. This is Just One of Many Methods I Use to Combat Depression […]