The Barriers That Throw Rocks into My Bucket List with Chronic Illness

Allocating More Time & Effort Into My Bucket List I’m going to be honest and admit that I’ve grown a bit tired of writing my own monthly prompts of late. I have a gazillion ideas and other projects I want to work on, so I will probably be allocating more time and energy toward them […]

33 Things That Stop People with Chronic Illness From Leaving the House (Sans COVID-19) | A Chronic Voice

Lockdown for COVID-19 & for People with Chronic Illness The lockdown laws for the COVID-19 pandemic vary for different countries and states, but people with chronic illness live a life in lockdown of sorts on a daily basis. Parts of Europe are set to go back into full lockdown again at the time of publishing […]

What I've Learned - Living with Chronic Illness for 20 Years (Interview on 'The Uninvisible Pod') | A Chronic Voice

I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed over on The Uninvisible Pod, a podcast series hosted by Lauren Freedman. She herself lives with depression, anxiety, Hashimoto’s Disease and sleep disorders, since she was a teen. Her podcast features people who live with various chronic illnesses, their loved ones, caregivers, experts and more. It touches […]

February 2020 Linkup Party for People with Chronic Illnesses | A Chronic Voice

Hello February! How’s it looking for everyone? I hope it hasn’t been too bad of a start to the new year. It’s been going fairly well for me (for now) – spoonie fingers crossed. Have a look at February’s linkup below, and I look forward to reading your thoughts, life experiences and goals for February […]

Why Painkillers are One of My Biggest Allies for a Decent Quality of Life | A Chronic Voice

The Many Negative Associations with Painkillers Painkillers – hero, villain, friend and foe in one. What’s your opinion about them? Have you been told: Don’t take them, they’re bad for your liver and body. You’ll become reliant, dependent, or addicted to them. A good-for-nothing, pathetic junky. You’ll need more and more of them to kill […]

Sometimes, Physical Pain Isn’t the Worst Part About Chronic Illness. 40 Insightful Thoughts from People Who Live with Chronic Pain. | A Chronic Voice

When Pain is Chronic Yet ‘Invisible’ Physical pain is no laughing matter, that’s for sure. When we mention the word ‘pain’, the type of pain that often comes to mind first is that of a physical nature. In fact, unbearable physical pain that becomes chronic is a major contributing factor to suicide risk. For people […]

Asking for Help (and Why Everyone Needs to Learn this Important Life Skill) | A Chronic Voice | Featured Image

Ancient Communities vs Modern Independence Independence is a much revered trait in the modern human being. But total independence is a bunch of bullshit. To be completely independent is to live in a bubble in which you’d die within minutes. To be alive is to be dependent; every living being breathes, and that requires synthesis. […]

A Perfect Capture of Life with Chronic Illness (Gliding Across That Same Glassy Ocean) | A Chronic Voice | Featured Image

A word that could probably sum up life with chronic illness is ‘mundane’. Sure, it has its (very much unwanted) moments, but for the most part you’re just cruising along, pacing, trying to avoid those unwanted moments. It’s a sadistic, adult version of hide and seek. Either I’m hiding from my over-active immune system as […]