We haven’t had a guest blogger in a while, so I’m happy to have Lydia with us today! Lydia lives with chronic migraine, Fibromyalgia and C-PTSD. Today she shares with us her tips on setting healthy boundaries in all sorts of relationships, when you live with chronic illness. Let’s hear what she has to share […]
Amidst the dozens of emails I receive a day for blog related stuff, one stood out the other day. It asked if I was interested in writing a post for their blog on sex and disability. I was highly suspicious at first, as it was from a porn site, Lustery. Was it legitimate or risky? […]
I’m sure you’ve noticed the commodities of love mushrooming around us at an alarming speed. Yes, Valentine’s Day is coming right up 😉 Amidst all the expressions of romantic love, I’d like to take some time to honour the bond I have with my body. It’s after all, the most intimate relationship I’ll ever have. […]
Have you ever had that lightning bolt moment where an offhand statement made by someone else knocked you off your feet? A statement so simple, yet powerful enough to make you stop, blink and think. Here are some of those special moments of truths for me. 1. “If you’re suffering so much, then shouldn’t it […]
This question pops up on my Quora feed every so often: “Would you date or marry a person with chronic illness?” So I thought I’d address it once and for all, by first asking – would I, as someone with chronic illnesses, date or marry a healthy person? I have been fortunate enough to date […]
Today I’d like to take some time to celebrate the unsung heroes who exist in our ordinary lives; those who sacrifice a portion of their lives to support someone struggling with an illness or difficulty. Kindness is a rare human trait these days, yet these simple, sincere acts are what we will remember with fondness […]