Sorry it’s a little late, but I’ve managed to put the November writing prompts together. (I’ve added a few extra days to compensate!) Here we are, near the end of the year. 2022 was an awful one for me to say the least. I suffered a spontaneous bilateral patellar tendon rupture that left me bed […]
So we’ve taken a little break from these linkups for two months, as I was pretty much swamped with the co-ordination and organisation of the holiday giveaway! It was lots of fun, but also always triggers a burnout. So what better way to kickstart the new year and ease back into blogging than with the […]
Welcome to the October writing prompts! Using them, I invite you to read and share about your life, experiences, goals and plans, living with chronic illnesses or disabilities. The awareness dates this October are pretty spread out on the spectrum of ‘Things to Raise Awareness About’. There are quite a number of days to show […]
It’s time for the July writing prompts! If you’ve never joined us, it’s specially for people who live with chronic illness, chronic pain and/or a disability. If you’re hesitating to join us, please don’t! I personally love to read what every single person has to share about their parallel lives with chronic illness, and it’s […]