Sorry it’s a little late, but I’ve managed to put the November writing prompts together. (I’ve added a few extra days to compensate!) Here we are, near the end of the year. 2022 was an awful one for me to say the least. I suffered a spontaneous bilateral patellar tendon rupture that left me bed […]
I haven’t hosted one of these in a good while for many reasons. My usable time has shrunk a lot due to chronic pain, commitments and various new activities. In any case, I felt that it would be a good idea to host these linkups every once in a while. If only to catch up […]
This article is part of an ongoing series about my Spontaneous Bilateral Patellar Tendon Rupture incident as a patient with Lupus, other chronic diseases and steroid therapy. Each part of the series will be updated and can be referenced below: Spontaneous Bilateral Patellar Tendon Rupture Series: What It Feels Like to be Suddenly Disabled Knee […]
Welcome to the Year of the Tiger I’ve become suddenly disabled, and it’s been a rollercoaster ride the past 4 weeks, in every which way possible. Mentally, physically, emotionally, even spiritually. My identity, ability, desirability and physicality have all been called into question. The chances of a bilateral patellar tendon rupture is rare. A spontaneous […]
It’s time for the August writing prompts, so I hope you have your virtual pens ready! 🙂 If you recall, I shared the concept and awareness in the June linkup, that I needed to ‘make time’ for the things that mattered to me. Ironically, July flew by, full of errands and little tasks that stole […]
If you’re a regular participant, you might have noticed that I haven’t been able to make time to join in my own linkups for the past two months! Life has been fraught with stressors of all sorts. A bit of a vicious cycle as one thing always leads to another; a general rule of life. […]
Don’t say it first – how did we even get to May already?! It’s time for the May writing prompts in the blink of an eye. Is it an age thing, the lockdown, or do we all feel time speeding by just the same? I haven’t even had a chance to crank out my April […]
A bit of a mishmash of topics this month for my linkup entry, but why not?! Read about my latest web hosting saga; a mini review of SiteGround and Cloudways of sorts. A bit of a blogger’s nightmare as my website was taken offline for almost a week. And how that turned to a blessing […]
It’s time for the March writing prompts, believe it or not. And yes, I say ‘believe or not’ just about every month 😉 What have you been up to, these first three months of the ‘new’ year? It’s a lot of ‘sameness’ I guess, with the mutating COVID strains, and the need to remain cautious […]
Allocating More Time & Effort Into My Bucket List I’m going to be honest and admit that I’ve grown a bit tired of writing my own monthly prompts of late. I have a gazillion ideas and other projects I want to work on, so I will probably be allocating more time and energy toward them […]