
2018 December Linkup Party for People with Chronic Illnesses

December 2018 Linkup Party for People with Chronic Illnesses | A Chronic Voice

It’s the holiday season, and that could mean different things to different people. While it’s a time to celebrate, bond over good food and wine, give and receive, it might also be a trigger for others. Perhaps they lost a loved one around this time, or the gatherings trigger their social anxiety. You may feel sad if you’re unable to participate in all the festivities, and being alone during a time when everyone else is bonding can be extra depressing.

Whatever this season may mean to you, I have one small request. And that’s to be aware that whatever you’re feeling may not be what someone else is experiencing, and to exercise a little mindfulness. Pay attention to the unspoken signs, and ask gentle, genuine questions to show that you care. And even though you may be experiencing pain, that doesn’t mean that you can’t find a little something to enjoy at the same time. It’s not wrong to do so. In that way, I hope that this season can be a meaningful one for all of us. Happy holidays to you!

What It’s All About

It is a monthly get together for anyone with chronic illnesses. An opportunity to share, to listen, and to learn from one another. I also think it’s a great way to provide insight into life with chronic pain, from many different points of view. All you have to do is write a short excerpt for at least three of listed prompts, and publish it on your blog. Then click on the blue ‘Add Your Link’ button below to add your blog entry here. Voilà, you’re now part of the party!

A Few Simple Rules:

  1. Only 1 link per website.
  2. Do comment on at least 2 other blog posts in this linkup if you participate. Helping to spread the word on your social media is always appreciated, but not required.
  3. This linkup starts on the 1st of every month. There will be 5 different prompts. It will close at the end of each month before midnight. All timings listed are in Singapore time (+8 GMT).
  4. Pick at least 3 of the prompts to write about. 5 is best, of course! 😉
  5. We also ask that you share this main link to at least one of your social media outlets within the same month.
  6. Failure to follow these rules might get you blacklisted from future linkups. Let’s keep it fair for all 🙂

Prompts for the Month

  1. De-Stressing
  2. The holiday season, while fun, can be a stressful period for many. What with the pressure to get the perfect presents, plan events, cook up delicious food, write up some seasonal blog posts and whatnot, how are you taking some time to de-stress? Or is that not a possibility for you, perhaps?

  3. Savouring
  4. Often associated with foods, but we can savour just about anything, really! Perhaps some quality time, festive vibes, or even the process or journey of getting something done.

  5. Simplifying
  6. Do you need to find ways to simplify your routines or life this season in order to participate in an event you don’t want to miss? Or perhaps you need to cut back on certain activities, things or thoughts in general.

  7. Resting
  8. With the mad rush to complete your seasonal todo list, wrap up your goals, and maybe even fly home if you’re overseas, rest can be pushed to a dusty corner of your mind. So here’s a prompt for you to remember to squeeze some breaks in between, otherwise those plans will all be in vain should a flare up choose to jam its ugly foot in the door!

  9. Finalising
  10. Are there some goals you had for 2018 that you’d like to complete? How will you be ending your year? This prompt doesn’t need to be related to the fact that it’s the last month of the year either; you can be finishing up on some studies, a project, or job. You could also be coming to a conclusion on a decision, or maybe even adding the final touches to the Christmas decor in your house!

You can find the previous linkups on this page, if you needed reference or wanted to read them.

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December Linkup: It's the holiday season, a time for celebration and joy! But be kind and mindful that not everyone may be experiencing the same things. Click to read everyone's entries or to participate. You can also pin it to save or share. ////////// December Linkup / Writing Prompts / Christmas / Holiday Season / Spoonies / Chronic Illness / Perspectives & Opinions #ChronicIllness #WritingPrompts #spoonie #MentalHealth

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