
April 2020 Linkup Party for People with Chronic Illnesses

April 2020 Linkup Party for People with Chronic Illnesses | A Chronic Voice

April is usually a pretty joyful month with Easter and spring in tow, but with the coronavirus pandemic this year, it’s one filled with a lot of unknowns and fear instead. How and what are you doing to cope with such uncertain times, and to keep your hopes up? It has definitely also brought out the humanity in many of us, and created opportunities for those with chronic illness to raise awareness. After all, social distancing and self-isolation are pretty much are normal.

Listed are also some Awareness Days for April, in case you would like to talk about something else apart from COVID-19, or needed more ideas for your blog this month! Happy writing and as always – love and can’t wait to read about your life and your thoughts!

What It’s All About

It is a monthly get together for anyone with chronic illnesses. An opportunity to share, to listen, and to learn from one another. I also think it’s a great way to provide insight into life with chronic pain, from many different points of view. All you have to do is write a short excerpt for at least three of the listed prompts, and publish it on your blog. Then click on the blue ‘Add Link’ button below to add your blog entry here. Voilà, you’re now part of the party!

A Few Simple Rules:

  1. Only 1 link per website.
  2. Do comment on at least 2 other blog posts in this linkup if you participate. Helping to spread the word on your social media is always appreciated, but not required.
  3. This linkup starts on the 1st of every month. There will be 5 different prompts. It will close at the end of each month before midnight. All timings listed are in Singapore time (+8 GMT).
  4. Pick at least 3 of the prompts to write about. 5 is best, of course! 😉
  5. We also ask that you share this main link to at least one of your social media outlets within the same month.
  6. Failure to follow these rules might get you blacklisted from future linkups. Let’s keep it fair for all 🙂

Prompts for the Month

  2. Are you returning from overseas or from somewhere because of the coronavirus epidemic? Or awaiting the returning of a loved one? You could also be reverting to a former state, returning from the shops, or hoping for the return of ‘normalcy’. You could be returning an item whether tangible or intangible, hoping business or work resumes, and more.

  4. What’s a big understatement in your opinion for the month? You could also be thinking that certain statements made are understating the dangers or importance of something.

  6. Yep, had to include this one, with social distancing going on worldwide. How has this impacted (or not impacted) your own life with chronic illness? You could also be distancing yourself from toxic people, unhelpful media, or painful memories. Or perhaps physical distance is keeping you away from something or someone.

  8. These sure are stressful times for everyone. Where are your own stress levels at, whether from the global situation, or a health related one? You could also be trying to stress the importance of something to yourself, to your loved ones, or to society in general. Or you could be stressing out with the limited stocks in the supermarkets, about work, or something else.

  10. Finally, let’s keep a little space for light, hope, grace and gratitude. What are you celebrating or choosing to celebrate this month? You could also be celebrating an occasion, a success or progress of sorts.

You can find the previous linkups on this page, if you needed reference or wanted to read them.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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April 2020 Linkup Party for People with Chronic Illnesses | A Chronic Voice

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  • Okay, so I seriously want to do this. I’m just not understanding how. I see that I need to weave in all 5 or at least 3 of the link theme words. Does this need to be prevalent (like do I need to use the words in titles, subtitles, etc)? I’m going to look over a few March posts to see also.

    • Basically you just need to weave in at least 3 of the 5 prompt words of the current month into one blog post, and that’s it, really! 🙂 You can do it any way you like – as titles, subtitles, in paragraphs, images, etc. You can take a look at past examples if still confused:

      Hope to have you in April! x

      • Oh yes and don’t forget to add the blog post for the current month to the Linkup page (for April, it’s at this URL), so we can all read it and help share, too 🙂

  • April Fools day is my anniversary with my boyfriend. It will be 23 years! holy smokes!

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